File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 27

Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 17:19:09 -0500
Subject: Fwd: Re: Carlos on Shiny Shit

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: Carlos on Shiny Shit
Date:    96-02-11 17:17:54 EST
From:    Godenas


What a week!  To be "killed" by Louis Proyect, villified by the editor of
"Shiny Shit" (who won't even use his real name), accosted by the CoC, accused
of all harboring all manner of homicidal fantasies, and now back to Mr.
Cabral.  The revelations concerning the Reporter (Irving Kristol and Hans
Held), Encounter Magazine and RH Crossman, and Dissent, were revealed--and, I
guess, are public record by now--in 1975 during the hearings conducted by
Senator Frank Church.  (There was, I believe, a sub-committee headed by Birch
Bayh that investigated the CIA's links to the publishing world [e.g. Praeger
Publishing, etc]   If "Carlos" and his friends over at "Shiny Shit" insist on
slandering the revolutionary heroes of Peru, repeating all manner of nonsense
(while Louis Proyect and his academic friends who walk along the top of the
"leftist" movement in the US remain silent), refuse to answer our honest
questions about their sources, then they can expect myself and others to make
our own inquiries.  If they don't like the consequences, they have only
themselves to blame.   

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