File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 274

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 18:41:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Kevin Cabral <>
Subject: Re: Scott ?

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996 wrote:

> Exactly the opposite is happening. The Party is reaching mass
> proportions. It is unlike anything since the 1930s. Charlotte
	I will question this statement. I'm not a fanatic like the
Elsequin chump, but can the CP-USA give all this empirical evidence to
support their figures? Where are all these 20,000 members, as we should be
seeing some massive chapter organizing. How about in Columbus? I sure
don't see them. I would really even doubt if 20,000 is anywhere near a
mass-movement, the Natural Law Party probably has 200,000. And how much of
a "mass-movement" is it? I find these over-enthusiastic statements from
the CPUSA to resemble the tens of other times in the past when the party
was "becoming a mass-movement", every other sect has proclaimed this at
some time also. How can the CPUSA back this up? Political Affairs only has a
circulation of about 3,000 correct? 

	The CPUSA has a tradition of being too over-enthusiastic. It was a
small sect of 1,000 or so after the COC break, where have you recruited
19,000 more from. How many of these people have done more than sign a
piece of paper, as I believe that was common practice way back in the
60s-70s. How many are you bringing into political activism?

Cols, Oh

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