File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 277

From: (Luis Quispe)
Subject: Re: Fwd: Louis Godena on the PCP
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 20:02:42 -0500 (EST)

> On Tue, 13 Feb 1996 wrote:
> > Louis, we are witnessing a great historical moment right here in the
> > Americas.  It is incumbent upon all of us, as Marxists, as revolutionaries,
> > to lend critical support to the "heroic" masses of Peru.  True, we may
> > disagree on individual features of this or that policy, but I, for one,
> > prefer the position of Marx to that Plekhanov.  The Peruvian communists are
> > creating a viable alternative to the neo-liberal "new world order."  In so
> > doing, they have, to use their own words, "set the oppressor's teeth to
> > chattering."  For that reason alone, they deserve our support.
> >                                                         Louis Godena 
> Several comments. First off, one of the things that you, Quispe, and
> Charlette have in common, is that when a leftist criticizes another
> leftist, we are magically supporting capitalism. "You aren't saying
> anything about the Fujimora dictatorship! etc" The fact that I think that
> we report that the PCP is murdering fellow leftists, union leaders, etc,
> does not mean that we support the dictatorship.

 Luis; There is not a shred of evidence verifying this imposible charge
 that the PCP is murdering fellow "leftists", union leaders, etc. These
 are unsupported allegations made by the Peruvian government (then
 spread all over the world by the U.S. government and the corporate media).
 Yes, in Peru thousands of leftists have been murdered, most of them
 accused of being members of the PCP and most of them were non-combatants,
 it means they were in prison (400 murdered in the prisons of El Fronton and
 Cantogrande), other communists were murdered alon with their entire families
 in the People's Committees (strifed from warplanes and helicopters of the
 U.S. and the Paruvian Air Force). Most of the union leaders killed were
 members or simpatizers of the PCP, one of them comrade Cantoral was the
 top leader of the miners Federation, he was kidnapped from his office by the
 death squad Grupo Colina (turncoat Army general Robles recently wrote
 a book with this revelation), and you knoe what? The Army, the State
 Department, AI, etc, blamed for this death to the PCP. Wasn't the PCP
 accused by Reahan of being involved in drugs "narcoterrorist"? However,
 last year 8 Peruvian generals (the very same who accused the PCP and
 were the source for the slander were found red handed trafficking in
 drugs). You should know better the dirty methods of imperialism to
denigrate revolutions in the world. 
> What is not being debated here is the horror of the Peruvian government. 
> That is a given. 25,000 Peruvian children die yearly. As many civilians
> have been killed in the civil war, 80% by the government. What *IS* being
> discussed is that the PCP has consistently sought to destroy any
> alternatives to itself, from fellow comrades in arms to social democrats. 
> Despite the fact the UI may try and work in the government, they have an
> armed wing which is *fighting* the government.

The misery and exploitation of the Peruvian masses by the ruling classes
is very true. However, this problem is not recent, it has being
dragging for centuries due to the semi-feudal, semi-colonial dependancy
of the country to imperilalism, chiefly US imperialism. It is 
exactly what the People's War is demolishing and generating a New State 
in the liberated areas (about 40% of territory).

No. The IU never had an armed wing, in the past they preached armed
struggle, but when the time was ripe for it, the embrace electoralism,
not to use them as a revolutionary vehicle like Lenin did with the Duma,
but to profit from it, to corrupt themselves and renegue from Marxism.
That's why most of their leaders become anti-communists (Tapia), 
Senderologists (Raul Gonzales, Degregori) [Army advisors on psychological 
warfare], or simply joined rightist
parties (Enrique Bernales), it atommized, it is meaningless politically 
(0.5% of votes). IU denounced both the PCP and MRTA as "terrorists."
As you may know, MRTA is almost extinct [several of their cadres repented 
and few of them (according to their publication) joined the PCP in the 
jungle areas].
> Therefore, attacking MRTA and others *AIDS FUJIMORA!*
> Good point. This happened during the Apra regime, in which MRTA
gave the regime 1 year of truce and cooperated with them during that 
time [top leaders of MRTA were former members of Apra, e.g., Polay]
During the Fujimori regime this situation does not happen anylonger.

> But, this won't make any diference to you, as you refuse to accept
> anything other than the glorious peasant (i.e., petty-bourgeois) army's
> propoganda. I've changed my views on the Shining Path. I don't see them 
> as reactionary anymore. Can you open your eyes?
We all learn from our mistakes, to correct them and practice 
self-criticism is the Marxist way. The term "Shining Path" was coined 
to the PCP by the enemies of the revolution to play dowm the fact that
a Communist Party is leading a true revolution and to demostrate
that "Communism is dead."
Thank you for comments. In struggle,
Marcelina Ccorimanya for The New Flag.
> Marc, "the Chegitz," Luzietti
> personal homepage:
> political homepage:
> o/~ When an eel lunges out and it bites off your snout, 'ats amore o/~
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