File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 3

Date: 10 Feb 96 20:09:56 EST
From: John Calhoun <>
Subject: Re: Youth Summit '96

RE:	Re: Youth Summit '96

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.10/5.950515)
	id JAA11232; Sat, 10 Feb 1996 09:51:03 -0500

The 1996 Youth Summit (April 12-14 at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA)
is a multi-issue conference for youth activists.  A range of issues including 
AIDS, homelessness, feminism, and militarism, will be addressed from a youth 
perspective, with a focus on the underlying problem which we all face: 
the status of youth in our society.

There are a variety of ways to participate:

Anyone under 25 can join the Summit Organizing Committee, which oversees 
Summit logistics, such as media, fundraising, etc.  Commitments are flexible.

Anyone under 25 can propose to lead a workshop.  Workshops are divided 
into two categories: skills (like "Using Computers to Organize") and 
issues (Youth, AIDS, and Activism") - please indicate which category your 
workshop would belong in.

Any organization can become a Summit co-sponsor.  This requires a 
donation of either money or some type of resource (postage, copying, 
etc.) and in return the organization's name will be listed on all Summit 

Any organization can, for a $10-$15 dobation reserve table space at the 

Let us know if you have any further questions or would like to get 
involved in any of the above ways.

Please note: CompuServe messages sometimes have trouble getting through 
to Hampshire, if this happens, send to - they're not 
having this problem.

Kate Barnhart, National Coordinator, 1996 Youth Summit

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