File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 311

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 00:35:16 -0500 (EST)
From: Philip Locker <>
Subject: Re: Lenin vs Stalin

On Mon, 12 Feb 1996, SHAWGI TELL wrote:
> The only way to answer this is as follows: It is wrong to separate, as 
> the revisionists do, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.  The bourgeoisie 
> have engendered a trend wherein it is fashionable to say things like Marx 
> and Engels differed on many many points, that Lenin's views differed 
> greatly from Marx's, that Stalin may be viewed as vulgarising Marxism, 
> mis-applying Engel's jejune views, etc.. this sort of thing.  The better 

This is what makes stalinism stupid.  Is he trying to say that Marx, Engels,
& Lenin never disagreed?  That they never had any tactical diffgerences?
Theoritical differences?  Or are they prophets of God who have a monoply on
truty and are therefore infallable, and perfect, and the only ones who can
correctly tell us stupid masses the truth (oh, I forget Stalin too).
Please.  Only a ignorant person would say that.  Only someone who doesn't
understand the 1st thing about dialectical thought...but I forget in the
USSR they didn't want you reading marxism only the Stalinist ideology...pick
up a book of Marx-engels correspondence and you will see your 2 perfect
idols had many disagrements.  Not because they were "revisionists" but that
is how the scientific process works!

If stalin corrextly explained Marxism and was never wrong explain:  His zig
ziags of 1st supporting Bukarin & the peasants, than "liquadating" the
Kulaks, then going through his ultra-left phase internationally [when the
social-democrats were called social-facists] , then his populular front
phase [when the CP's of the world told workers they should uncritically
support all liberal prties at the cost of destroyuing the revolution] and
then his disbanding of the 3rd international. 

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