File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 352

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 10:42:18 -0500
Subject: Buchanan data

Did a quck news search and came up with this, to start answering my own

Jon Flanders  

   WASHINGTON (Reuter) - One of Republican presidential hopeful Pat
Buchanan's top campaign aides has been a speaker at white supremicist and
private militia gatherings, ABC News reported Thursday. 

    The network said Larry Pratt, one of the Buchanan campaign's co-chairmen,
had spoken ``at meetings organized by white supremicisits and militia groups,
among them the Aryan Nation.'' 

    Buchanan campaign officials reached by Reuters confirmed that Pratt,
Chairman of Gun Owners' of America, was one of the campaign's four
co-chairmen but said they had no immediate comment on the report. 

    ABC quoted a statement from the campaign said it was unaware that Pratt
had ``these affiliations.'' It said: ``These are not the kind of groups that
Mr. Buchanan condones or would associate with.'' 

    Buchanan, a conservative commentator, has emerged as Senate Majority
Leader Bob Dole's chief conservative opponent after running second in
Monday's Iowa caususes. 

09:28 02-15-96

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