File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 366

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 08:15:59 -0800
From: (CNI)
Subject: CNI Action Alert: Republican War on the Environment

The following comes from the monthly "Nation Alert" published by _The
Nation_ magazine:

Just a few of the more than 50 laws and riders attacking the environment
that Republicans have tried to sneak through Congress during 1995 include:

* Representative Mike Oxley (R-OH) has a plan to relax standards to
determine whether toxic sites have been cleaned up.  Rather than come out
an admit that he wants to eliminate safety standards, however, Oxley
maintains that his bill will "give more power to the states" and
"streamline" bureaucratic processes.  If passed, this bill would likely
have a disproportionate effect on communities of color; statistics show
that minority communities are far more likely to have toxic or polluted
sites located in them.  This bill (HR 2500) was actually drafted by Dee
Gavora of the Petroleum Institute.  Incidentally (but not coincidentally)
Oxley accepted $92,035 from oil industry political action committees.
Superfund 95, an industry lobbying group, contributed more than $115,310 to
Oxley's campaign.  Call Oxley at 202-225-2676 (direct) or 800-962-3524.

* Representative Richard Pombo (R-CA) has introduced a bill to repeal the
Endangered Species Act (HR-2275).  Pombo, who receives PAC money from the
Cattleman's Association, also supports a plan to hunt and kill mountain
lions.  Pombo received $21,050 in PAC money from corporate agriculture in
the first six months of 1995; this amounted to nearly two-thirds of all his
contributions.  Call Pombo at 202-225-1947 (direct) or 800-962-3524.

* Senator Lauch Faircloth (R-VA) has introduced a bill which would repeal
the entire 1990 Clean Air Act.  Among other evils, this bill would allow
polluters to refuse to report on their emissions and would prevent citizens
from participating in permit reviews in their own communities.  Call
Faircloth at 202-224-3154 or 800-962-3524.


Michael Corso
CNI Telecom
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