File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 43

From: (Luis Quispe)
Subject: PERU: New Power Prepares Strategic Offensive
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 00:44:50 -0500 (EST)

>From soc.culture.peru Mon Feb 12 00:41:26 1996
From: (Luis Quispe)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.peru,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.rights.human
Subject: PERU: The New Power Prepares Strategic Offensive.
Date: 11 Feb 1996 06:26:52 GMT
Organization: Blythe Systems
Lines: 192
Message-ID: <4fk27c$>
Keywords: peru,latin-america,PCP
Xref: soc.culture.peru:5803 soc.culture.latin-america:8104 soc.rights.human:11354

                       PEOPLE'S WAR IN PERU

                              Part 3 of 3

The application of "shocks and stabilization" to the Peruvian economy
is genocide against the exploited masses in Peru; such criminal actions
create resistance and social unrest, leading to a massive participation
for the People's War.

The PCP unites and leads the exploited masses in the cities and
countryside as part of the People's Front of Liberation (FPL) which is
a struggle against hunger, unemployment and the crisis, and for land,
wages and national production. Accordingly, young men and women, 
poor peasants, conscious proletarians, students, progressives, teachers,
unemployed workers, etc. increasingly embody Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, 
Gonzalo Thought, principally Gonzalo Thought, and join the ranks of the 
heroic People's Army of Liberation (EPL) led by the respected and just
Communist Party of Peru (PCP).

The so called "special forces", "elite green berets" and Yankee Marines
-at the service of big capitalists, landlords and imperialists- fall like
dead ducks when confronted by the women combatants of the People's 
Army. Applying a fluid mobile warfare, the EPL's columns and the
PCP Commandos wipe out the effective power of the old reactionary
State and its armed forces led by narco-generals (the army generals and
Rasputin Montesinos are well known for their close alliance with
narcotic's dealers and Mafia gangsters against the PCP.)

The reactionary military offensives "Aries", "Oreja de perro" "Cojo
Rodriguez," "liebre I, II, III", and other ridiculous "little Vietnams"
since 1993 ended up in big failures, clear defeats for Fujimori's army.
Result? The People's Army is victorious, it grows stronger and its
ranks multiply. The PCP's proletarian military line is certainly superior
-in both theory and practice- over any imperialist "low intensity
warfare." This is an objective truth, and it is repeatedly confirmed in
the battle fields. Even reactionary Army generals, indoctrinated in West
Point, the Army School of the Americas, Fort Bragg, etc. cannot hide
their defeats in the battle field. These narco-generals run away to the
Pentagon, and showing their low morale, join their zealot Yankee
masters in recognizing the devastating advances of the People's War.

What follows is the testimony of Army General Sinecio Jarama
(former political-military Commander of Ayacucho, former chief of Peru's 
2nd Military Region, and specialist in anti-subversive warfare):

Question. And that People's Army, do you analyze it as a regular

Answer (General Jarama). No, it is not like the ones we see in military
bases. They unfold an army of two columns here, some others over
there; they disappear, then they converge. It is a whole system, they
are the ones who carry out executions, sabotage, take over towns. But
they also serve for ideological deployment. Afterwards, based on that
work, come the support Base Areas in charge of forming the new
government...they need the social base to give support to the revolution
...Look, you should understand it is not a military war. 
Sendero [PCP] is establishing a way to transform society. Period. And it 
is not doing it through weapons. Sendero [PCP] says that it destroys the 
old power to start to raise up the new power. That is not a military war. 
Another thing is that Sendero [PCP] employs military instruments for 
political construction and to take care of the areas won. Because o this, 
only he who understands a political war will be able to understand what
happens in Peru...We are doing what they want us to do: they set our
strategy and theirs." (Source: Peru Los Senderos Posibles, H. Calvo, K. 
Declerq, Editorial Txalaparta S.L., October 1994)

Jarama's testimony speaks for itself.

The masses make history. This is an objective law of class struggle and
human development, and it is for this reason that revisionists
-collaborating with imperialists and reactionaries- constantly attempt to
deceive and mislead the masses, appease class struggle, dreaming to
prevent or stop the advances of the People's War.

One common revisionist practice is to promote "self-management"
(auto-gestion). The so called theory and practice of self-management
was not invented by the phony Marxists in the United Left (IU) nor by
the reactionary "brains" in the NGOs. It does not even originate in
Peru, it comes from the Balkans. Self-management has its roots in
former the Yugoslavia, it stems from the sophist theories that "Marshall
Tito" inflated to oppose the Maoist practice of self-reliance. Tito,
former leader of Yugoslavia's liberation movement, is well known for
his political capitulation to British imperialism and his good relations
with the reactionary Winston Churchill. Tito, an expert in copying the
revisionist Bernstein, followed the path of capitalism and betrayed the
Yugoslavian revolution. Now we see the consequences of Tito's "third
way" in the present war between Serbs, 
Bosnians and Croats as part of imperialist redivision of territories.
Those who promote "self-management" in Peru are opportunistic
mercenaries from the United Left and "New Left" (e.g. Michel Azcueta,
Henry Pease, Diez Canseco, senderologist Ivan Degregori, etc.). For 
instance,  M. Azcueta (born in Spain and agent for Spain's intelligence 
agency, CESID) hired a group of mercenaries to impose the creation of an 
"Urban Community for Self-management." This action was carried out 
against the will of the residents of Villa Salvador (a shanty town in Lima). 
Azcueta was a close collaborator of Moyano, the so-called "mother 
courage", a speculator and dealer of basic consumer goods who collected 
names and addresses (targets) for Fujimori's death squads (that was her 
"courage", and paid a fair price.)

In 1995, Azcueta returned to Peru from Spain, bought an election for
himself, and is back in business: heavily involved in a close parternship 
with the counter-insurgency police, in organizing the paramilitary
rondas and death squads in Villa El Salvador.  

Revisionists such as Azcueta and Moyano posed as "socialists" or
"leftists" and proclaimed that under the existing conditions the State
cannot resolve the people's problems, and that only "self-management"
can lead to solutions. Their claim is that "self-management" means to
realize one's ideals without the participation of the State [except the
Armed forces against the PCP]. They reason as follows: "Self" means
one's own, your own, and "management" means to do, to realize or
carry into effect.

The bourgeois laws that govern Peru clearly establish that it is the State
who has the responsibility to completely finance and construct all public
works and basic infrastructure for water supply, sewage collection and
disposal, electricity, facilities for medical services and public health,
public schools, and other basic services to meet the peoples' basic
needs. Now, through this assumed aim to construct public works and
services, the reactionary State imposes and collects taxes (including
taxes from the sale and purchase of goods and services), this applies to
all residents and all consumer goods and services in Peru's territory.
Even basic goods such as bread, milk, rice, sugar, clothing, etc. carry
a large portion of taxes in their sale prices. Each consumer good
generates revenues for the State.

The reactionary regime takes the taxed money from the people -and it
even obtains loans from foreign banks- to purchase armored
helicopters, tanks, laser-target, night-vision equipment, anti-riot gear,
and other sophisticated weapons for the reactionary armed forces and
police corps. In essence, the big bourgeoisie -through its government-
spend and waste the State's revenues in repressing and murdering the
very people who generate such revenue (there are over 30,000 victims
murdered by the reactionary armed forces.) The reactionary State
clearly steps on its own Constitution. It avoids its responsibilities and
neglects the needs of the people. Instead it employs State revenues to
equip its armed forces, to repress the people's protests, to commit
genocides, and to pay the interests of the foreign debt to imperialist
bankers, mainly Yankee imperialists. 

Revisionism's "self-management" can only aim at covering up the
reactionary State's criminal actions; self-management calls to "forget
the State to solve your problems" and "do things on your own" without
the State's participation. Consequently, one must ask: in such cases,
WHY does the State force people to pay taxes? To pay taxes, only to
end-up solving social problems on your own, without the State's
participation, amounts to a shameless fraud! it is a trampling theft,
forced over the majority of people through the force of arms, through
the Army and police, through reactionary violence. This is exactly what
the revisionist agents (Azcueta, Degregori, Mohme, etc.) cover up and
support with their so-called "self-management" and NGOs.

Not satisfied with the exploitation and crimes that revisionist Azcueta
applies on the residents of Villa El Salvador, and because people resist
and combat against such crimes, Azcueta forces residents of all ages to
join the "rondas", otherwise anyone who refuses is considered is
considered automatically a "terrorist."  Vigilante rondas are employed
to protect the old State against the advances of the People's War.
Rondas or "civil defense patrols" are counter-revolutionary armed
bands under the control of the military. But the people themselves,
showing great valor and heroism, fight and eliminates the fascist "black
heads" (cabezas negras) and join the ranks of the revolution. Moyano's
execution is a well known example. At her funeral, the Chief of the
Military Command said: "We lost a general." Without the "black
heads" the vigilante rondas do not exist and become another reactionary
failure for "population control"; the result? Failure of the imperialist
low intensity warfare strategy in Peru.

The people's struggle thorough Peru demonstrates that the masses are
learning the truth: The People's War led by the Communist Party of
Peru (PCP) is the real solution to end people's problems and sufferings.
The People's War creates the NEW POWER to serve the PEOPLE's
RIGHTS; it generates, defends, and develops a New Sate for the
people's benefit an all aspects of life. Imperialists, reactionaries and
revisionists continue to suffer defeats in all fronts. The uninterrupted
construction of the Conquest of Power advances. Victory is certain.


Peru People's Movement-MB, January 1996.

===============================Published by The New Flag
30-08 Broadway, Suite 159
Queens, NY 11106

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