File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 438

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 20:53:26 -0800
From: (CEP )
Subject: Re: Trotsky/Lenin According to Scott Marshall

>Scott Marshall, our resident CP leader wrote: Actually there are 
pluses and minuses to what lenin had to say about
>Trotsky as you should well know as the scholar you are.


    Sure, we know.  Do You?  The tell me, Scotty, why is that the
    Communist Party, USA *never* discuss Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev
    and other brilliant Bolsheviks?

    Why don't you explain us, Scotty, what are the pluses and the
    minuses of Lenins' opinions of trotsky.  I'm particularly           
    interested in reading the pluses (coming from you will be a
    great thing!)  C'mon, Scott, don't be shy: Carrillo, when he
    was head to the Spanish CP publicly recognized that the whole
    Stalinist story about Trotsky was a fabrication.  Do you have
    the same courage?


 To seriously hold
>that Trotsky never fought Lenin (how about attacked and strongly 
>with) is rediculous and self serving at best. I've always marveled 
>Trotskists ignore the real differences Lenin had with Trotsky.


    We never did.  Trotsky was wrong and Lenin right about the question
    of the party ("Since trotsky recognized the question of the party
    was never a better bolshevik than him" -- Lenin).

   Lenin was wrong and Trotsky right about the question of the          
   provisional government and permanent revolution.  Lenin came to
    Trotsly's side with the "April Theses".  End of story.

   Lenin was right and Trotsky was wrong on the tactict for Brest       

    So waht?  They manage to lead a revolution together.  The           
    difference BETWEEN leninists and stalinists is that you cannot
    stand to have differences.  You just expell them from the party
    and, if you have state power send those dissidents to exile or
    even kill them.


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