File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 445

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 19:13:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Jim Jaszewski <>
Subject: Re: State Capitalism is a valid Marxist Category : was Cuba

	I know this is old and I'm not on the List presently, but heck --
it's the Internet, and it's `through the looking-glass' time, people... 

On Thu, 14 Dec 1995, Chegitz Guevara wrote:

> Remember, Marx said that it was possible to build socialism without a 
> workers' revolution under certain, very limited conditions. In the cases 
> of the U.S., G.B. and the Netherlands, he believed it was possible to to 
> achieve socialism by electoral means, but only because the repressive 
> apparatus of the state was not fully formed. In the case of Russia, he 
> said it was possible to base socialism on the peasant commune, but only 
> if Western Eurpe had already had it's revolution and was able to extend 
> substatial aid to Russia.

	Let's (hopefully) get something VERY clear here:  the time for
peaceful transition to socialism on _this_ planet -- if it ever existed --
is *LONG* past. 

	The history of the 20th Century makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that
*NO* socialism will be allowed to exist, if the capitalists have anything
to do with it.  *PERIOD*.  I give you Chile;  Nicaragua;  Cuba;  Vietnam; 
Angola;  Mocambique;  Colombia;  El Salvador;  Deutschland 1919-21. 
*_LIC_*.  And if that all doesn't convince you, just consider how the scum
have been emboldened, even as we converse, by the `fall of communism...'

	It should be clear to any communist that they intend to DESTROY us
and give no quarter -- hell, they're even in the process of trying to
outlaw _UNIONS_, people!!  The `repressive apparatus of the state' _is_
now fully-formed -- or close enough to it, what with all the new
efficiencies of computerization and mechanization.  They've been
forewarned, and they _won't_ be going back to sleep... 

	There is _NO_ point in continuing to toy with the idea of a 
`peaceful' transition.  I'm sure Marx just threw that out because he 
wanted to cover all the bases, and it just MIGHT'VE been possible in the 
19th Century -- you just never know, eh..?

	*Well now we do*.

	Wasting any time, or -- even worse -- basing _strategy_ on this,
is a _GUARANTEE OF DISASTER_.  This type of thinking should remain an
intellectual curio of the 19th Century and the period up to 1917 -- and we
should just get on with the job of bringing the capitalist system down -- 
by any means necessary...

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