File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 448

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 15:06:24 +0800 (HKT)
From: Taylor Ian Christopher <>
Subject: Re: Carlos' support for Algerian reaction.

On Thu, 15 Feb 1996, CEP wrote:

>     Carlos:
>     No matter how much amount of distortion you use, you cannot change  
>     the fact.  Carlos not only *does not* support Islamic guerrillas
>     in Algeria, he *opposses* them.

What's with the third person stuff? Bizarre!

>     My post was clear, but if you dind't understand it, here I go again:
>     1. Islamic guerrillas in Algeria, as Shiny Shit in Peru, are
>     acting *without* consulting the working class and the oppressed.

You can imagine it can't you: a nation-wide referendum held by the PCP on 
whether to conduct an armed struggle. Fujimori would love that! Like I 
said before "Carlos" it's lucky you ain't the PCP's strategist. Perhaps 
you can give a detailed account of *any* revolutionary struggle that 
"consulted" the working class before action. What do you mean by 
"consulting" anyway? You're awfully good at throwing out statements 
without substantiating them.

>     They operate on the basis of the orders given to them 
by the fundamentalist clergy (Algeria) and the Shint Shit

Geez it gets worse. Why not use "PCP"?

>     central committee )Peru) -- namely Guzman.

Your well-thought out analysis (pause for laughter) fails to explain how 
the war in Peru has continued *after* the capture of Guzman and his 
isolation in solitary confinement - unless of course he's telepathic. 
Also your suggestion that Guzman *is* the central committee (what, all of 
him?) shows a profound ignorance of communist organisation.

>     2. Both the Algerian terrorists and Shiny Shit in Peru resort to
>     the same undiscrminated terrorism against leftists, journalistas
>     and others.  Both Shiny Shit and the Algerian fundamentalists
>     kill anyone that opposses them on political grounds.

Proof? Your linkaging of the FIS with the PCP and your previous 
legitimization of the FIS (yes you did) casts grave doubts on your 
>     4. The only differenmce between Shiny Shit and the Algerian
>     fundamentalists is that the latter, at least, can claim certain
>     legitimacy because they won an election and were denied power.

There you go again! Stop it!

>    mass support is only in the mind of Godenas, Quispe and a few other     
>     lunatics. 

Again, you fail to address how a party with zero support (as you claim) 
can control vast chunks of Peru and have international capital and 
Washington deeply worried. 

>     C'mon you stalinists, didn't you learn that, by now, you either
>     learn how to discuss politics or you have no chance of convincing
>     anybody/

OK, I'll try and learn from you "Carlos." Does that mean I should talk in 
the third person (surely self-aggrandizement?) and use offensive language 
during any half-baked smear campaigns I might wish to conduct against 
revolutionaries and in defence of men whose sole aim is to force women to 
wear black bin-liners over their heads in case they "inflame" the male 

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