File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 45

From: (Luis Quispe)
Subject: Re: No Marxist censors
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 01:30:37 -0500 (EST)

> Luis wrote:
> <<I sent to the list a brief biography of Chairman Gonzalo. Hope
> the "Marxists censors" allowed my mesage to go thru.>>
> [deleted some...] 
> I welcome the way you have tried to answer questions even from 
> hostile critics, and personally I look forward to you comments on 
> Amnesty International.
  The reply of The New Flag to AI was sent to the list a week ago.
  Please let us know if you have received.
  Thanks to the members of the list who have sent us messages of support.
  Overall, most of the U.S. comrades are receptive to the information on
  the People's War. For too long, we have allowed the imperialist media to 
  brainwash some progressive elements in this country, they  tried to
  win the debate by default, but now we are here.  There are only two 
  recalcitrant anti-PCP, one is 
  Carlitos who has no arguments to continue the debate -and ended in 
  desperation with insults and non-sense against the CPUSA. The 
  other is Louis Proyect who run away from the debate crying like a kid
  "I'll install my  kill file"  Godenas is threatening me and my putative
  shiny shit-head "Carlitos", "you see how tough is Sendero", "they
  are evil", "please repudiate them", "Scott is different..."
  "divide and conquer", "the cyberspace is a battle field..."
  Stop the bullshit! and address the issues Louis Proyect [by the way,
  I have nothing personnel -our disagreements are ideological and we will
  dealt with them at that level. Your questions are interesting and will
  be glad to answer them accordingly.]
  We are are trying to collect actual info from the battle
  fields -the clashes of the PCP with the Army, the mass participation in the
  revolution, the peasant and workers alliance in leading the PW, and the
  role of the petty bougeossie (students, State employees, teachers, small
  vendors, etc.) The class struggle has deepened in Peru and 1996 wil be a
  year of great news for the revolution. This is a war that have generated
  a great nummber of theoretical works on Marxism, Leninism and Maoism -
  all these theories have been put in pratice and applied in accordance
  with the specific of Peru and in the midst of the People's War.
  This is not a hit and run "terrorism" as the State Department slanders
  for purposes of disinformation (they know the true -it's just to misinform
  and prevent support of the masses in the imperialist countries), it's
  a low intensity war being waged in all fronts.

> Some clearer indication of the difference between what you are quoting,
> and your own comments, however, would sometimes be helpful. 
> That's good point. I will try to polish them. Luis.
> Chris B
> London, comoderator.
>      --- from list ---

     --- from list ---



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