File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 457

From: "Wolfgang Haible, Bibliothek" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 09:23:01 -0100
Subject: chinese

Dear Louis,

it's a good idea try to make a debate (or do contributions) about 
the development of Chinese. 
A friend of mine writes a book (I helped him a little) about China, 
so I know also a little. We have a lot of debates in Stuttgart and in 
Germany about these questions: cultural revolution, market 
socialismus, and  a few weeks ago about the question: Is China now 
a communist country.
I am very interesting in your and the comrades futher contributions. 
Maybe we prepare some detailed criterium (Kriterien), what is 
specific communist or in direction of socialismus.

I read the selected works of Liu Shaoqi, the great opponent of Mao, 
and some novels about history. So just in time, the biographie of Eva 

With solidarity - Wolfgang

PS: For your contribution about cultural revolution (in my opinion: 
the chinese purges, similar, not the same as in 1936/38 in SU), can 
You read the Memoires of Peng Dehuai, a famous Chinese general? There 
you found an interesting letter to Mao, about the consequences of Maos 
policy. (That told my my comrade Bergmann).


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