File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 458

Date: 16 Feb 96 03:46:21 EST
From: "Chris, London" <>
Subject: PEROU - AI, ONU , Canada 1/2

While IMO Luis Quispe has left himself vulnerable to the 
charge that he sees Amnesty International as *only* a tool
of US imperialism (in fact I think he said it is "used" 
in that way), enough evidence has been given and comment by
others, that AI reports of the sort I posted a few weeks 
back on Peru have to be read very much in political context.

I am therefore forwarding the following which I have found on 
the net. It has the merit of not trying to 
appear abstractly impartial between the government of Peru
and the PCP (although it makes serious comments about the 

It is only just 12 months old and it appears to be authoritative
as having the credibility of Canadian official representatives (?)
to a  United Nations body on Human Rights. (Can anyone clarify?)

This could be a very valuable route into what officially is 
being done about the appalling human rights situation this document 
reports. Since Canada has often taken a more progressive position
on these matters than the USA and the UK I am hoping 
some Canadian subscribers can do some research on what the US
State Department concedes, if anything. 

And I am hoping some bilingual people could either track down the
English text, of post a translation or at least a summary, since
my French is not good enough.


Part 2/2 follows with French text, Internet willing.

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