File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 460

Date: 16 Feb 96 03:46:44 EST
From: "Chris, London" <>

As the exchange between Ostrakava and Charlotte illustrates,
this l*st is actually connected with the real world, 
difficult though it may be to imagine this at times.

Jerry, Ostrakava and others have quoted the sentence
"We will take care of him." without making clear the previous
phrase is "I think Scott should not answer to this vermin."

The intent of the whole passage  from Luis Quispe's post
"Re: Scott MARSHALL" Wed, 14 Feb 1996 01:18:26 -0500 (EST)
which I attach below is however still not in my opinion clear.

Luis seems to have assumed IMO on quite mistaken textual 
analysis that because they 
both are trying to provoke with the most insulting
and contemptuous words they can find, that Carlos and
Elsequin are the same voice not only ideologically but 

Whether Carlos has merely succeeded in provoking and wrong
footing Luis, or whether Luis really intended to imply
or just hint, that Carlos's physical safety might be at 
risk, we will never know. I certainly think Luis would
be wise to consider that his statement has been 
interpreted in more than one way, and he might wish
to take responsibility for that.

Whether Carlos is justified in the tone of his remarks about
the PCP on the grounds that they have been systematically?
or indiscriminately?  or without due process? murdering other 
left-wingers, is a matter on which everyone has a right to wonder.
He may wish to take responsibility to clarify his position 
further too.

What is clear IMO is that the nature of these exchanges
does to a real and material (however hopefully small) degree
increase the risks of on the one hand personal injury and even 
death of someone like Carlos, and on the other
arrest, torture, and death of someone like Luis.

I would remind everyone there is absolutely no censorship 
on this list, except 

a) whether anyone wants to read you at all 

b) whether each subscriber wishes to restrict themselves
to a tone which may certainly be challenging
but can be heard, and respected as potentially 

Good luck everybody.



Luis Quispe: 

  I do not have a hard evidence but the style (e.g., shiny-shit and other
  shits), isn't this Carlos? Carlitos? -I have all his messages in
  my hard drike, I collected and analyze the wording and style, I think
  this is Carlos (the close and dear friend of Louis Proyect). That's
  it, we will not talk to Carlitos -the psycho, the provocator, he
  really needs help. This is a breakdown, old filthy tactic Cointelpro
  style to intimidate political opponents, I think Scott should not
   answer to this vermin. We will take care of him. Louis
  Godenas is 100% right, this vermin Carlitos is dangerous and
  unbalanced. He has been pressuring Scott to take a position against his
  fellow comrades of the CPUSA, and now suddenly disappear from the
  "Marxist" list and becomes in his other ego a 100% Republican (isn't it?.)

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