File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 471

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 07:15:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: RFD: soc.politics.mar*ism moderated (fwd)

                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
                 moderated group soc.politics.marxism

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on the subject of
creating a moderated Usenet Newsgroup, soc.politics.mar*ism.

Proposed by: Per I Mathisen <>.
Mentor: Richard Gadsden <>.

This is not a call for votes.  Please do _not_ vote now.

RATIONALE: soc.politics.marxis*

There is currently no newsgroup dedicated to the discussion of Marxist
philosophy and politics. Such debate has long taken place in the
"Marxis*" mailing lis* and occasionally on the newsgroup
alt.politics.socialism.trotsky. The "M*rxism" l*st has currently well
over 300 subscribers and carries about 30-50 posts a day. The
above-mentioned newsgroup carries about 10-20 posts a day and is no
place for serious discussion since it is haunted by irrelevant
crossposts, off-topic conversations and extensive flaming. Neither are

The reason the "Marxis*" mailing l*st is insufficient is because many
feel 30-40, often quite long, mails dropping into one's mailbox is too
much, and would prefer the quicker alternative of browsing a
newsgroup. A newsgroup is also more accessible for newcomers.

The soc.politics.* hierarchy was chosen because it fits well with our
intention of a newsgroup for discussion about ma*xism as political,
sociological and historical theory and as a means of changing the

CHARTER: soc.politics.marxis*

This group is intended as a moderated forum for the discussion of
marxi*m and political topics in connection to m*rxism. This includes,
but is not restricted to, the political and philosophical theories of
Marx, the relevance and appliance of Marx's theories in the modern
world and the theories and activities of Marxist political movements
and parties both today and in the past.

Moderation Policy:

The moderators reserve the right to reject any articles submitted to
soc.politics.marxism that are insulting, using more than 1/4 quotation,
off-topic or not at all related to marxism. Crossposts will not be
tolerated unless it is an announcement of relevance or importance to the


MODERATOR INFO: soc.politics.marxis*

Moderator: Chris Faatz <>

Chris Faatz will moderate the newsgroup. He may choose to share the
workload with some other people if technical details allow.



Please post any responses to this message only to the Usenet
Newsgroup "news.groups." If you use the followup feature on your
newsreader, this should happen automatically.  All discussion
about the merits of this proposal should appear on news.groups.

Unless the discussion indicates a need to resubmit a new
RFD, a call for votes (CFV) will be posted approximately four
weeks after the posting of this RFD.  Please do not post any
votes now.  When the CFV is posted, instructions will be given on
how to mail your votes to the independent vote counter.


This RFD will be cross-posted to the following newsgroups

news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, alt.politics.socialism.trotsky,
alt.politics.radical-left,, soc.politics,

and the following mailing lists

  Marxi*m L*st <mar*ism-AT-jefferson.*>

     --- from list ---



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