File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 480

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 14:03:08 +0100 (MET)
From: Jan Willems <>
Subject: The Antifascist Web was updated (and a new Mirror)


             The Antifascist Web mails you again.  There's a new mirror 
site in Belgium (Europe), and a major update of the Antifascist Web took 
Many things are updated here folows a brief description:
The index-page is changed (should look better this way), and a short 
description of the Antifascist Web is added at the begin.
I removed the counter since it resetted numerous times, and because it 
decreased access speed of the page. A 'HOT'-mark is placed besides the 
'Fight against fascism' worldwide, since this is certaintly the hottest 
place in the Antifascist Web.
             In the USA-page, reports about Knutson, the University of 
Vermont, an Interview with Dhoruba Bin Wahad (Veteran Black Panther and 
19-year political prisoner), the Expose the Right! Campaign, a report 
about the march for justice for Leonard Peltier and a report for help for 
an Antifascist compilation record is added.
             On the page about Koerdistan a text can be found, which is 
an appeal to everyone who claims to be human: the fascist Turkish state 
(and the media that is controlled by it) printed the pictures of Turkish 
soldiers posing with the choped off heads of Kurds, grasping them by the 
hair. They didn't print these pictures to condamn such crualty against 
humanity, but as a victory!
             There's a Japan-page now that reports about the homeless 
threated by the Japanese government, there's a Guatemala-page that 
reports about street children who are gunned down. On the Mexico-page an 
urgent solidarity appeal is added and there's an announcement of a 
conference against privatisation.
             On the page about the Antifascist Struggle in South-America 
and Africa, a report about America's Latin "Empire" is added.
             On the Peru-page, an editorial from the editor of The New 
Flag (El nuevo bandera) is added.
Changes are made to the 'History of fascism'-page, new Links are added 
and outdated reports are removed.

Learn from the Antifascist fight by others in other places, 
Look at the world from an Antifascist point of view:
Surf to the Antifascist Web.

Surf to The Antifascist Web: discover reports of Antifascist actions 
around the world, use links to other Antifascist related Web pages and 
read about the history of fascism and the Antifascist struggle!

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Attack fascism before it attacks you: tell the world about the 
Antifascist actions you organised or withnessed, and e-mail 
your report to The Antifascist Web:

The Antifascist Web can be found at the following locations (URL's):
The Netherlands:
Philadelphia (East-USA):
Beverly Hills (West-USA):

Provide links to The Antifascist Web, make The Antifascist Web known to 
as much people as possible on the Internet, support the Antifascist 
struggle in your neighbourhood and the world!
     ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
 ++++ if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig ++++
++++ see: ++++

     --- from list ---



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