File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 499

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 10:43:59 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Questions concerning the SWP.

I've been trying to stay out of this thread since I have already written 
at length on this l*st of my experiences in this organization, however, I 
can not resist a couple of comments:

1) Niceties
   SWPers are indeed outwardly and superficially "nice." This is not an 
accident. Actually, it's a deliberate persona that is encouraged by the 
SWP leadership. At any mass meeting, you can always spot the SWPers. They 
are the ones who look like they jumped out of a L.L. Bean catalog. They 
believe that's the way workers are supposed to look. Check out their 
haircuts as well. They would fit in well with either an Ivy League 
fraternity/sorority or a Church of Latter Day Saints congregation. It's 
all part of the act. It's all part of an organization that tries to 
repress individuality and control the daily lives of all of its members. 

2) Joining
   Despite the above, my best advice to anyone is find out as much 
information that you can about different organizations and then become 
politically active. There are some things you have to learn for yourself. 
I can go on and on about the SWP, but you have to find out about that 
organization and others for yourself. Even if you end up joining an 
organization that you decide later to resign from (or are expelled from), 
you will learn a lot in the process. Just try to remember that being a 
Marxist is a lifelong learning process. So long as you are a Marxist, 
you continue to learn more and draw lessons from your own experiences and 
the experiences of others (interpreted broadly to include history).

Don't let the "old folks" tell you what do do. Decide for yourself.


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