File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 50

Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 03:05:43 -0600
From: Scott Marshall <>
Subject: Re: Buchanan and the Christian Coalition


>I have been impressed by the concrete and discriminating nature of this
>thread about Buchanan but have not seen any mention of the religious lobby
>groups so far. (Generally I feel this l'st is weak in its marxist analysis of 
>religious movements.) So, how important is it? Any details? Economic strength?
>Class basis?


Actually what I think you heard was related to an evangelical meeting
recently held in North Carolina where a group of christian fundamentalists
launched into a public attack on the Christian coalition and similar
rightwing movements. It illustrates a growing rift in the fundementalist
religious movement with the far rightwing fanatics. This grouping not only
condemned the ultra-rightist intervention in Republican party politics but
condemned them on issues - that the Christian coalition is war like, anti
poor and racist. They called for a return to seperation of church and state
in their movement.

BTW I think it also is symptomatic of a growing rift beginning on the far
right including in the Republican party. The fascist like radicals v. the
far right conservatives. There is for example, among the freshmen GOP
radicals those who are becoming increasingly extreme in their condemnation
of those who felt that they couldn't win the budget debate with government
shutdown. They've begun to call some republicans traitors for abandoning
what they saw as their fascist like gotterdamerung of the government
collapsing by going into economic default and shutdown. We shouuld think
about hw to skillfully use these emerging rifts in the ruling class for
destruction of the ultra right.

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