File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 501

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 10:52:58 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Carlos' support for Algerian reaction.

Louis P. (don't give me shit) wrote:
> Different people with entirely different persepectives (Doug 
> Henwood, Chris Burford, Jon Flanders, etc.) have asked Carlos to stop using 
> the term "Shiny Shit". <snip>
> You come across as not as a serious polemicist 
> but as a juvenile name-caller. There is a place where this sort of 
> discourse is normal: the newsgroup "alt.politics.socialism.trotsky". I 
> don't want to see this l*st degenerate as that forum has.
> By continuing use of this term, you are telling other people that is okay 
> to curse each other. <snip>

OK, I thought, this is reasonable. Louis doesn't like shit. Then, I 
continued reading my mail and found the following from Louis under the 
subject line "Quispe's\Intent":

"Hey, Ostraskaya, why don't you take your finger-waving, law-invoking 
bullshit and go someplace else."

As for me, I don't have any strong feelings for or against the use of 
shit (as I am not anal-obssessed). But, please, let's have a little 
consistency (no pun intended).


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