File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 513

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 12:35:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Carlos' support for Algerian reaction.

Louis N Proyect wrote:

> You apparently haven't 
> been involved with any kind of political activity since the 1970s as far 
> as I can tell, so you wouldn't understand any of this. Why don't you put 
> down some of those books once in a while and get involved in some living 
> class-struggle, you boring, humorless pedant.

There has not been any significant period of time since I was 15 when I 
have not been politically active. In recent years I have been involved in 
trade union struggles and in community struggles in the Lower East 
Side/East Village in defense of squatters and homeless and in opposition 
to gentrification and police brutality. While you were typing on your 
keyboard in recent years, I was on the street (and on the barricades) 
joining anarchists, young puks, and others fighting the state. 

Louis, do you have a problem with memory retention? One might think so 
since I discussed the above at length on numerous occasions over the months 
that I have been on this l*st. I don't believe you "forgot" my political 
activism, though. Rather, it serves your interests to distort and 
misrepresent since you can't honestly deal with people who are critical 
of your perspectives.

BTW, if you can't see the humor in some of my posts, it only shows that 
the only person whose humor you can appreciate is your own.


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