File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 529

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 21:14:13 +0100
From: Hugh Rodwell <>
Subject: Re: Negri's Marxism

Marcus wrote:

>On "Marx Beyond Marx".
>This is Negri's reading of the Grundrisse. I have never read
>Grundrisse. However, I think that THE ENTIRE BASIS OF NEGRI'S
>ANALYSIS IS INCORRECT. This flows on to the entire school that follws
>Negri - the Zerowork people, the Autopsy list and other like this.
>Negri COMPLETELY mixes up work and labour in this text. He calls for
>the abolishing of work. This is entirely un-marxist. Marx said that
>labour power, labour - was the commodified form of work under
>capitalism. All humans, in all ages work. It is part of what makes
>us human. Communism is to make work our prime want.


>I respect Negri immensely. He is one of the few academics who are
>actually activists and not armchair revolutionaries. However, I think
>that at the end of the day, his stance is petit bourgeois. It has a
>'abolish work' stance, rather than 'abolish the wages system' which was
>Marx's slogan. The difference is profound.
>Any bites?

How the hell can you read Negri & co and not the Grundrisse! Give yourself
a treat and do it now in your long hot Aussie summer.



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