File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 546

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 16:35:51 -0700
From: Lisa Rogers <>
Subject:  Languages

Maybe it's just because you're new, Hugh, you gavent' caught the
talkn not very long ago, about languages on this list.  English
excludes some people too.  Although Spoons lists are generally
uncensored and membership is self-selected, so that there is no
exclusion in that sense, a variety of languages seems less exclusive
than requiring any particular language.

Anyway, we've had varying amounts of posts in French, German and
Spanish, from time to time, and those of us [myself included] that
cannot read them shall continue to suffer through.  Non-standard /
non-fluent language of any sort is also welcome.  Some people find it
embarassing to be still learning, but without practice there is no
progress.  We must only be prepared to be asked to clarify things
when they are not clear, as indeed we must always be, even without
any language barriers.

Given the previous subject line, I was kind of hoping that I would
see a post written in Chinese...

Spoons-liaison [admin]

Subject:  Re: chinese
>>> Hugh Rodwell <>  2/16/96, 01:14pm >>>
>>From Wolfgang H.,
>>it's a good idea try to make a debate (or do contributions) about
>>the development of Chinese.
Brad Mayer:
>Your contributions are welcomed here - feel free to post in German
as>well as English...

OK for some Brad, but I think this list could manage Spanish with
more ease than German, and even that would exclude a lot of readers.
Unless of course you're offering to translate the German postings for



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