File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 571

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 96 0:19:01 EST
From: boddhisatva <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Questions concerning the SWP.

		To whom...,

	What I was trying to say is that it we as Marxists should undermine
cliqueishness in political groups wherever possible.  If a group is a cult or
a clique, then they should be joined by people who openly protest their
cliqueishness.   Who are a bunch of snobs and egotists to tell us that we
can't participate in a group with a rich history simply because of some
half-witted idea of party loyalty.  Any Marxists group that kicks people out
for belonging to another Marxist group should be the first to be
revolutionized.  They should be undermined completely and filled with ranks
of people who want an pen and democratic structure.  Whit this few Marxists
in the world, the only people we can afford to kick out are spies and
lunatics - and I'm not sure we can afford to lose the lunatics. 


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