File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 58

Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 10:06:35 -0500
From: Brian Carnell <>
Subject: Re: The collapse of capitalism?

At 08:27 PM 2/11/96 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 96-02-11 08:28:36 EST, Jerry writes:
>> Hasn't capitalism proven to be rather 
>>resilient in practice? If we believe that the collapse of capitalism is 
>>inevitable, shouldn't we just wait for the inevitable to happen?
>It is not inevitable by any means, it's just very likely that workers won't
>put up with it.

Really.  But haven't we seen over the past few decades that even as real 
wages have stagnated, for example, the standard of living has actually 
increased for most workers.  For example, while real wages in the U.S. have 
been on a slight decline, measures of standard of living such as home 
ownership, etc. have steadily increased.  

If anything it seems that capitalism is demonstrating that if left free of 
government intervention it will provide an ever increasing standard of 
living to the masses.

Brian Carnell					Coming, Feb. 20...Human Freedom				pages (libertarian) at 	

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