File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 586

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 00:08:56 -0800
From: (CEP )
Subject: Stop Repression of Argentinean Tradeunionists and Leftists!


        Please, review, sign and circulate the following letter
        to the Argentinean government, demanding the freedom of
        Horacio Panario and the stop to the harrasment campaign
        against left wing political organization and militant
        Thank You to all those who already signed.  The letter are
        being sent to the Argentinean President daily (as soon as
        we receive signatures).  The letter, containing all signatures
        received until February 28, will be published in couple
        of Argentinean daily papers and sent to Argentinean embassies
        in several countries as well as to international human and      
        civil rights organizations.

        Add your name to the letter by sendiing your name and title
        (professor, university, student, organizatio or union you
        belong to, etc) to:

    February 28, 1996

    President of the Republic of Argentina
    Saul Menem

    Mr. President:

    It was call to our attention that the government of Argentina,     
    under your Presidency is holding prisoner Horacio Panario, a
    member of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) and a recognized
    tradeunion and community leader.

    We are also aware that warrrants for the arrest of a number of      
    other tradeunionist and left activists were issued by your
    government.  The list of those ordered to be arrested include
    Oscar Martinez, Organizing Secretary of the Metalworkers Union
    (UOM) of the City of Rio Grande; Jorge Chiquay, Veronica Barriga,
    Gustavo Sandoval -- all members of the MAS -- and Hector            
    Etchebaster of the Socialist Workers Movement (MST).

    The orders of capture also include the names of Jorge Vidal (a
    member of the Workers Party -- PO) and Mario Cambio of the
    Party of Labor and the People (PTP).

    All these activists are being persecuted by the government under
    your Presidency for participating in protests, strikes by workers
    and peaceful demonstrations.  There is also symptomatic that all
    of them belong to different left organizations.  It is important
    to note that all those organizations hold legal status in your
    country and that their activities had been characterized as legal
    and peaceful.

    We demand the immediate release of Mr. Panario and an immediate     
    cease of the campaign of harrasment of tradeunions and left         
    activists.  We demand the immediate withdraw of all outstanding
    warrants for the arrest of the above-mentioned individuals and an
    strict respect for the legal rights of all legal, political parties
    of Argentina.


    (your Signature)  

     --- from list ---



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