File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 6

Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 08:03:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: The Ongoing Young Liberal Fascist Cyber-Seminar


WARNING: Neo-flame follows.

Here's my contribution to the cyber-seminar:

1) To all of those like Shawgi and Luis Q. who have held the banner of 
the former "Great Patriotic Leader" (General Secretary Josef Stalin) of the 
USSR high and have charged that accusations against him are imperialist 
lies, I say: OK, Stalin wasn't a murderer. There was no Holocost. Slavery 
was a myth. The CIA had no role in the 1973 coup in Chile. The Pittsburgh 
Steelers won the Super Bowl two weeks ago. The tooth fairy lives under 
your pillow.

2) If the above sounds dismissive, it is so intended. Anyone who claims 
that Stalin wasn't a brutal dictator does not deserve to be taken 
seriously. It is rather remarkable indeed that the apologists for Stalin 
are so vocal. What will we have next -- apologists for Hitler?

3) That Luis Q. should both apologize for Stalin and claim that Amnesty 
International is a tool of US imperialism leads me necessarily to 
discount *everything* that he has written. IMHO, his credibility is -0-.

4) Why are Louis G. and Charlotte being constantly asked to explain the 
positions of the CPUSA? If anyone is really interested, let them pick up 
a copy of the _Daily Worker_ or check-out Scott M.'s web page. This is, 
for me, a very boring thread and I also note that Louis G. and Charlotte 
have repeatedly said that they are not spokespeople for their party. Let 
it be.

5) Just because Shawgi, evidently, is here to stay, doesn't mean that we 
should treat his ideas with respect. To do so would be a concession to 
dogmatism and sectarianism and would be an insult to the millions who 
have died as a result of Stalinist repression.


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