File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 603

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 10:07:06 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Reform and revolution

Louis N Proyect wrote:

> Kerala is on the east coast of India and has had Communist Party in power 
> for a long time. It is very poor, but has put through one of the most 
> thorough-going land reforms in all of Asia. In addition, they have 
> devoted scarce resources to literacy programs and health care. As a 
> by-product, they have discovered that the birth rate is lower than it is 
> in other states in India. All in all, my readings of books and 
> pamphlets on Kerala leads me to the conclusion that it has a lot in 
> common with the Sandinista project in Nicaragua. It seems to be a very 
> *appropriate* model for third world development.

Is Kerala not part of the world capitalist economy (or, if you prefer, is 
it not a "mixed economy")? Is capitalism (with land reforms, literacy, 
etc.) a "very *appropriate* model for third world development"? Is 
socialism needed in all parts of the world today? Can you reform your way 
into socialism by electing the Communist Party (or another workers party) 
to power while still maintaining capitalist relations?


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