File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 614

From: (Luigi Candreva)
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 13:27:00 GMT

This is the 3th time I'm posting this msg. because I've never
seen it on the list.

Answering to Carlos, Charlotte wrote:

(...)  It is like those who in the 1930's, sent Communists
back to the fascist nations to be slaughtered (...)

Charlotte L. Kates


Well said, Charlotte!.

     I'm providing here some exemples about "those who in the
1930's sent Communists back to the fascist nations to be

     I already posted on Margarete Buber-Neumann, wife of the
German communist Heinz Neummann. While H. Neummann died in
Ussr (probably in a concentration camp), his wife has been
released to nazis in 1940, during the infamous Hitler-Stalin
     Now I'll post about some other comrades murdered in the
Stalinist concentration camps, or delivered to the nazis. 

     Heinrich Kurella, brother of Alfred Kurella, former Sed
minister of culture in the former DDR. H. Kurella worked for
the Comintern till 1936. He admitted that was friend of Heinz
Neumann. This declaration has been enough to led him in
prison and in a concentratin camp.

     Kathe Schultz (Schmidt). She joined the communist party
of Germany when she was 17 years old. In 1931 she has been on
trial, charged of the murder of Wessel, because she was part
of the communist cell of Ali Hohler, the murder of Wessel. In
the trial she was discharged, but in 1933 the Nazis in power
reopened the trial and K. Schultz escaped to Soviet Union. In
1937 she has been arrested on a fake accusation, deported in
Siberia, when she has been condemned to 10 years of hard

     Erich Schmidt was a devoted communist. In 1933 he left
Germany for the Soviet Union. Here he has been arrested for
"counterrevolutionary cospiration" in 1936. In prison he
became mad: he explained his arrest by the fact that at the
head of the NKVD [the Soviet secret police] was sitting a
"Trotskyite". In 1940 he was released to the Nazi Germany.

     Same has been the fate of Willi Beier, a veteran of the
Communist Party of Germany, and of Thomas Migsch, journalist
of Inprekkorr (the international magazine of the Comintern)
both delivered to Nazi Germany by the Stalin USSR.

     Between 1936 and 1937 hundreds (could be thousands) of
German skilled workers, most of them communists escaping the
Nazi terror, were delivered to the Nazi Germany by the
Stalin's bureaucracy.

     And hundreds of German anti-fascists and Communists
escaped in Ussr after Hitler's rise to power in Germany, were
delivered back to Nazi Germany during the Hitler-Stalin pact.  
     If I've further details I'll post them.                   

Comradely, Luigi
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