File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 616

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 10:15:03 -0600
From: Scott Marshall <>
Subject: Re: Bourgeois politics and fascism

>Let's get serious and stop the childishness - our revolutionary lives are 
>at stake.


OK Brad I guess my rhetorical questions were too much for you. My point is
who made you, someone who lives and works in the US the judge of the left.
Where are your political credentials on the table before you go judging
mine. What alternative do you or your group offer. How can we judge your
efforts at providing an alternative. So far you offer none except criticsm
from the sidelines. You quite slickly avoided the issues. 

As to the distortions, our main aim in this election is to form coalitions
with labor, independent political forces (like the Rainbow), community
grassroots groups in defeating the Gang of 73 freshmen GOP Gingrichites. We
are picking specific races in every district to try and influence etc. As to
the presidential race we will aim our main fire at whover the Republican is,
criticise Clinton and help with our other movements to build as much mass
left pressure as possible on Clinton on issues. We won't be isolated from
labor which will support Clinton. And we will continue to support
independent movements like LPA, New Party, Greens etc.

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