File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 653

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 16:00:47 -0800
From: David Walters <>
Subject: Re: SWP

Well, that was interesting. I apprciate Jims defense of the SWP. What he 
said was accurate. Of cousre what he didn't say was even more interesting.

1. Kansas City: Ah yes...I was a member of that branch of the SWP around the
time as Louis. Probably a little afterward, but maybe not. Yes, it was a 
demoralized branch. Mostly imports from other parts of the country (like myself
and Louis). Most people who did join would drop out. But then there was always
Arthur Bryants (for another post, no doubt)

2. Smoking dope. Well, I defend the SWP on this and if anyone is even partly
aware of what the gov't was trying to do with destroying the SWP then perhaps
you can see the wisdom of this. I know two instances where this policy helped
prevent the boss from setting up an SWPer on pot charges and one instance where
the state lost an indictment of it. Again, the topic for another thread.

3. I agree with Louis that the SWP is interesting in a historical context. The
SWP developed the very a-historical position in the late 70s that any position
held by a member of the party a union was in essense, joining the bureacracy,
this included even being a shop steward(!). It meant, also, removing the SWP
and its membership from any effective work in the class. Even a cursory
reading of The Militant, say of the party's "industrial" fractions, shows that
what is discussed is not which way to push the class forward, the Transitional
Method, but how are party campaigns doing in the class: selling the paper,
selling overpriced Pathfinder books, defense campaigns, etc.

4. This goes along with the 'cultish' aspect of the SWP than another poster
mentioned. I agree that the SWP, although not a personality cult, has aspects
of a political cult, of sorts. It could only be this do to a very real FACT 
about the SWP that was alluded to previously. The majority of an SWPers liesrue
time is spent with other SWPers and not with other people, even people from
work. This was basically true when I was a member through the 70s and early
80's. The SWP is an incestious, socially, organization. They don't get out

5. If you respond to any of the above, please explain why Pathfinder decided to
jump up their prices to that usually accorded to university presses? With over
%75 of the printing done on West St being commercial printing (you all know that
the SWP is one of the largest commercial printers in NY) you think they would
lower the prices of the books they'd actually like to sell?

David Walters

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