File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 655

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 17:22:39 -0700
From: Lisa Rogers <>
Subject:  Re: SWP -Reply

>>> David Walters <>  2/17/96, 05:00pm >>>
5. ... please explain why Pathfinder decided to jump up their prices
to that usually accorded to university presses? With over
%75 of the printing done on West St being commercial printing (you
all know that the SWP is one of the largest commercial printers in
NY) you think they would lower the prices of the books they'd
actually like to sell?

They defend their commercial printing for hire as 'necessary' to be
economically viable.  I suppose that selling the books that they
print under their own name is a major source of income for the
organization.  Holding rights to and pushing all the stuff on Malcolm
X is not only profitable, but is part of their attempt to appeal to
blacks.  So, why raise prices?  Well, to make more money, I'd guess.

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