File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 677

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 21:52:22 -0800
From: Ralph Dumain <>
Subject: Re: SWP

Rahul, you stated publicly what I was thinking to myself.  Another
thing about the US marginalized left.  The leaders tyrannize their
members becuase they depend on their suboradination for little own
little fiefdoms, which ios all they will ever amount to,.  Also,in
lieu of a mass movement, there is no one for socialist paerties to
account to, so there is no check on their arbitrarireness and
stupididty.  The SWP is an utter disgrace, and it is far from the
worst sectarian party.  If anyone out there is thinking of joining
just to belong to something, you are out of your fucking mind.
The first rule for any medical practice, is not "get involved so
you won't be on the sidelines", but:  "above all, do no harm".

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