File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 87

Date: 12 Feb 96 15:31:12 EST
From: "Chris, London" <>
Subject: New Flag, Peru on Amnesty International

Luis asked if I had received his articles on Amnesty International.

I have only received the following, and was waiting for the other two 

From: Luis Quispe <>
Subject: Amnesty International on Behalf of Imperialism
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 00:53:32 -0500 (EST)

The New Flag,
30-08 Broadway, Suite
159, Queens, NY 11106

                       (Part 1 of 3)

The U.S. State Department denounces "human rights
violations" by the People's War led by the Communist
Party of Peru (PCP), in a calculated attempt to gain


hypocritical "condemnations" of the brutalities of the
Fujimori Regime and its Army, generally after the
facts, do not relieve  their counterrevolutionary
role at the service of U.S. Imperialism.

to be continued...


I thought your paragraph below was cogent, all except for the last 

<<<AI is not ignorant of the basic realities of Peru. It
has an office in Lima that receives and develops data
on government atrocities for some years. However, they
are not allowed to conduct on-site visits to see
villages razed by the Army nor to witness the mass
graves denounced by the people. They have to rely on
the military reports and the Peruvian press which in
its majority is controlled by the government. The very
existence of AI (for financial and security reasons)
depends on how much they can go along with the slanders
of the regime against the revolution. Mr. Abugattas (AI
employee in Peru) has once stated: "We have no choice
but to report the accusations of the government against
Sendero in order to reveal the most henyous crimes of
the military." Although we acknowledge Mr. Abugattas'
honesty, no one can believe that AI is a "neutral"
political organization. It was and it is one important
tool of U.S. foreign policy in the world.>>

The last line in only true by a very narrow definition of logic.
It fails to draw a distinction between middle elements and the 
outright enemy. It leads to some people not reading you.

At the same time I sympathise with what you say about
AI's opposition to armed struggle. Why it has to have this
policy I do not understand.

I broadly agreed with Michael Luftmensch's comments. 

I am glad Louis Proyect came in too, and I would emphasise that
I too mainly think that the existence of AI is overall positive for 
working people. However its agenda of human rights (I meant
the atomised bourgeois democratic rights of civil society) are
part of the agenda that the transnationals wish to impose on 
countries like Africa, with free rein for their own activities.
We should have a dialectical view of the limitations of 
Amnesty International's strategy. 

I am asking Carlos to be more specific about the charges of systematic
killing of leftists, but I would ask you a question, Luis.

One of your supporters in MIM said that the PCP has spray posted self-
criticisms in Lima for killing people incorrectly. Has the PCP summed 
up any experience and acknowledged that mistakes were made?

Reports suggest an abating of the armed struggle in 1994 and 1995. If sum
setbacks occurred, how has the PCP analysed them?

I have another question that has not yet surfaced on this l'st. It 
appears that a number of the allegations of violent actions by the PCP as 
reported by AI and other sources concern the Ashaninka ethnic peoples in 
the Amazon region. Has there been a special history of difficulty for the 
party in winning support in this region? Have any lessons been learned?
(I believe that there were problems for the Sandanistas in winning over 
people of the eastern seaboard. It is not surprising that such problems
occur in a war, but nor should it be overlooked.) I would appreciate
your comments.

Is Abimael Guzman still held in solitary confinement? Is his lawyer 
still under arrest? What are his conditions now?

Really I would ask you to consider whether you wish readers to endorse
all aspects of your ideological approach, because some of the Maoist
features are most unlikely to be acceptable to the great majority, or 
whether you are participating in the list to win support on a broader 
basis against the repression of the Fujimori government and its international
backers. I would suggest the latter is a much more realistic goal.

The technical point about distinguishing between quote and comment remains
as you can see from this passage. Maybe a line needs to be inserted before
you reply.

> Some clearer indication of the difference between what you are quoting,
> and your own comments, however, would sometimes be helpful.
> That's good point. I will try to polish them. Luis.


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