File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-04-marxism/96-04-22.182, message 156

From: Luis Quispe <>
Subject: PERU: The Return of "Sendero"
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 19:22:52 -0400 (EDT)

                          Part 4 of 6

LIMA. On March 11, 1996, El Mundo, a paper close to the
intelligence services, quoted an unidentified Dincote source
stating that President Gonzalo "has been in very poor health and
in complete isolation." This further evidence that the "peace
talks" are a counter-revolutionary hoax and that their claim of a
divided PCP is a dream of the reactionaries. Meanwhile, La
Republica (March 11, 1996) stated that the execution of police
informant Pascuala Rosada by a group of women in the district of
Huaycan, is an indication of a guerrilla offensive. "Sendero
still controls some zones of the country from which it can send
combatants to Lima." 
the March successful guerilla attacks of the PCP through the
nation, the government's outlets responded with a massive
campaign of psychological warfare in the press against the
people's War. Thus, on March 12, "Gestion" published  leaks of
the intelligence services SIN and the mercenary agents known as
Senderologists. It stated: "Sendero has collapsed into small
dissident factions..The terrorist attacks are the last signs of
desperation ...they are killing each other in the jails."
It also added that the government is organizing paramilitary in 8
municipalities, and one of them is Villa El Salvador where there
arw 300,000 people. The most notorious Senderologists working for
the Security Services are: Raul Gonzales, Carlos Ivan Degregori,
Enrique Bernales and Carlos Tapia. All of them with debts of
blood against the people.

Caretas (March 18, 1996), the magazine of the big bourgeoisie,
quotes SIN (Peruvian CIA) and Dincote sources stating that:
"Sendero is working hard in its recomposition. It has frozen its
military actions to invest all its energy in the political arena.
The reasons that determine such an action have to do with the
opportunity and propaganda such as in the case of Pascuala Rosado
which has a good international impact since it coincided with
the International Day of Women and the meeting of the presidents
of the Andean Countries hosted in the city of Trujillo. The
leadership is in Huallaga, but some information revealed, that
they moved to the Valley of Ene. The grave problem of Sendero is
the split between the Gonzalo forces and Feliciano's. "  Two
conclusions can be drawn from this fact:

1. The enemy does not know who the actual PCP leaders are.
2. The same government's claim that, President Gonzalo has been
very sick and in complete isolation, dismisses the
counterrevolutionary hoax of "peace talks." Therefore, the claim
that the PCP is split in two factions is ludicrous.
3. All actions of the PCP's People's Army of Liberation have a
political purpose and they are carefully planned. Hence, they
flushed their claim of "PCP is terrorist" down the drain.

Police sociologist Raul Gonzales stated, "Sendero is seriously
wounded, but was not defeated yet." He is saying this since 1988.
Alberto Ku King, whom El Diario of Lima, said once that he
behaves like an agent of Interpol, stated: "Some actions of the
hard line wings of Sendero lately, do not mean that they are
organically reconstituted." Of course, that is disinformation,
since Gonzales bosses, Generals Hermoza and Ketin Vidal assert
that the PCP enjoys good health. If not, who is the target of
their "new strategy of total war"?  They are not fighting against
the wind mills of Quixote but against the People's War led by the
PCP. Get real Ku King!
On February 27, in Brazil, the cynical dictator that always
denied the class struggle in Peru, stated:
1. "I don't care about the opposition of the Church." This is the
Church that has blessed his crimes and the bloody bayonets of the
armed forces. The "leader" of such opposition is the boot licker
and promoter of paramilitary rondas Archbishop of Ayacucho, Juan
2. "The rich Catholics have the right to use contraceptives, why
not the poor Catholics?" Since when does Fujimori, the murderer
of the poor, who has made Peru a land of tuberculosis and
cholera, care about the poor? His government is producing 300,000
new Peruvians living in extreme poverty every year. His offer of
providing "free condoms" to the people is, in order to comply
with the orders on population control by his imperialist masters
(IMF, World Bank.) Why doesn't he provide health care, jobs,
potable water, sewage, food and electricity to most Peruvians who
are lacking these basic necessities?
Lackey Fujmori believes that by carrying out genocidal policies
of extermination and population control, he will reduce poverty
in Peru."  [El Mundo February 29, 1996]
of the papers in Lima reported the arbitrary arrests of 300 gays
and lesbians in several parts of the city as part of the "sexual
education" and "family planning" law of the fascist dictatorship.
This repression has been encouraged by the Church hierarchy and
the conservative parties since tyrant Fujmori staged a military
coup in Peru in 1992. In previous years, the extinct revisionist
group MRTA has been particularly brutal in killing homosexuals in
the Department of San Martin. The PCP has a clear policy of
respecting the rights of this marginal but oppressed portion of
Peruvian society.
El Comercio of March 1st, reported that Armeane Choksi. Vice-
President of the World Bank, requested that the government 
privatize the universities. Educators and specialists such as
Alan Trahtemberg estimated that about 3 million students will be
thrown out of classes if this policy is implemented. The rights
to free public education in Peru were conquered with the blood of
the people in long struggles. However, this government has
imposed exorbitant fees for all levels of education and has
tripled the tuition in the universities, as a first step for a
total privatization. The little that is left for the education of
the people must be defended. In Peru, there are many private
schools where the children of the bourgeoisie receive
the government's subsidized education. The regime invests heavily
in the education of the ruling class, including paid scholarships
to schools in the U.S. and Europe. All Fujimori childrem attend
school in the U.S. Therefore, the privatization targets directly
the education of the sons and daughters of the people.  According
to El Comercio (March 1, 1996), the World Bank
has drafted a plan for the regime and that to prevent the just
resistance of the student movement, "it should privatize the
universities gradually." 
dictatorship and its imperialist backers, demagogically promote
the capitalist method of "informal activity or self-management"
to compensate the massive unemployment and underemployment. On
the other hand, it brutally represses the desperate masses that
turn themselves into street vendors to feed their families. The
new reactionary Mayor of Lima, Alberto Andrade and Fujimori's
Minister of the Presidency, Jaime Yoshiyama, after collecting
taxes in advance from the vendors, used their armed forces to
brutally eject and confiscate the goods of 400 street vendors of
"Parque Universitario." In addition, 1,500 vendors of "Avenida
Abancay" were beaten and expelled from their places. A total of
37 people wounded were reported. Their leaders were arrested by
the police accused of being "terrorists."  That is the real face
of the "democracy" in Peru. Fujimori's crony Yoshiyama alleges
that the street vendors "cause chaos, collective neurosis and
violence." [Expreso March 3, 1996]
Published by The New Flag

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