File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-04-marxism/96-04-22.182, message 26

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 18:05:27 +0200 (MET DST)
To: marxism-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
From: (Robert Malecki)
Subject: Re: Bougainville Update - 16/4/96

I have been asked to forward this to people around the world...

>Radio Australia 0700z 16/4/96 9860kHz
>A high level Solomon Islands delegation has left the capital of Honiara
>onboard a patrol boat for the border area with Papua New Guinea. The
>Delegation aims to get first hand information on how the separatist conflict
>on the PNG island of Bougainville continues to effect the Solomon Islands
>side of the border.
>Lead by Paul Dukalia (phon?) from the Prime Minister's Office, the
>delegation also includes the members of parliament for Shortlands, Choiseul
>Islands and a consultant from New Zealand.
>Meanwhile a meeting this weekend will choose members of a delegation which
>will attend border talks with Papua New Guinea.
>Latest update from Moses Havini, 16/4/96
>News on the latest border raid to Solomons by PNGDF and Resistance. At
>midnight lastnight, Sunday 14, April, PNGDF and Resistance forces crossed
>over the Solomons border and raided Kariki village in the Solomons. Kariki
>village was first raided about three years ago by the PNG forces, in which a
>man and a women were killed and small baby wounded. This incident caused a
>serious diplomatice rift between Papua New Guinea and the Solomons. PNG was
>asked to pay compensation to the Solomons Government for the deaths of its
>citizens. Last nights raid by the PNGDF and Resistance netted a radio, 30hp
>outboard engine and a canoe. The raiders also threatened the villagers that
>if they reported the raid they would come back and burn their village. The
>people of Solomons at the border are very frightened, things are very
>tensed, and they have asked the SIG to do something about this latest border
>raid quickly. There is now a High Powered Team from the Solomons Island
>Government heading to the border to assess the sitaution. The airstrip at
>Ballalae has also been ordered closed by the Solomon islands Government
>because of this latest raid. Solair has been ordered not to fly to Ballalae
>as it is now a security risk, with the PNGDF elements lurking around.
>In the meantime a Resistance force member Luke KORAKE who destroyed Mr
>Miriori's first radio some four years ago, and recently captured by the BRAs
>on Bougainville is still in the custody of BRA; including 8 others and a
>PNGDF defence force soldier. All seems to be quite on Bougainville at the
>moment, but the BRA forces are everywhere monitoring movements of the PNGDF.
>Sat 20 April at 11.00am
>Peace March - Meet at Sydney Town Hall, march to the Australian 
>Defence Forces Building in protest of our taxes being used to kill 
>innocent people on Bougainville.
>Fri 26 April at 7.00pm
>Benefit Concert for Bougainville at Wollongong University.
>Sun 5 May at 12 noon
>May Day March.  Assemble at Liverpool St, Sydney.  March commences at 
>1.00pm sharp via George St to Circular Quay.  Struggle for Peace, 
>Progress and Socialism.
>Mon 6 May at 7.30pm
>Bougainville Public Meeting, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre.
>Fri 31 May at 7.00pm
>Glebe Town Hall - The lauch of  "Marilyn's List Volume 2 . 
>A Compilation of the Human Rights Abuses on Bougainville".
>JUNE 1996
>Bougainville Womens Forum is being planned.  Stay tuned.
>Contact Details:
>Vikki John (BFM)        +61-2-558-2730          email:
>Moses Havini (BIG)      +61-2-804-7602
>Max Watts               +61-2-818-2343          email:
>(Journalist specialising in Bougainville, East Timor and West Papua issues)
>Bougainville Freedom Movement
>P.O. Box 134, Erskineville, NSW 2043, Australia
>Regards Sasha
>Sasha Baer
>International Amateur Radio Network
>Bougainville Freedom Movement
>Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol
>Voicemail: +61-2-513-5614

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