File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-07-marxism/96-07-27.144, message 17

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 07:58:07 -0400
Subject: Elementary Adolfo-speak for beginners (a translation)

In a message dated 96-07-24 15:46:18 EDT,Adolfo writes:

<< Doug:  This just means that this poor fellow needs to see his 
buddy TP in Sweden to console himself from having finally lost 
all his "hair"  and been left high and dry wearing a toupe of "hair 
transplants" on loan from Bobby Avakian school of reality denial.  
For that purpose they are now resorting to the same trick as their 
predecesor Javier Esparza: Falsification of Party documents!>>>
     tr: cheeze, this is embarrasing; I haven't even managed to translate 
the EDI since a month ago to prove what a studly supporter of the 
PCP I am, now this clown is claiming inside information... oh yeah! 
bring up TP (thanks, Rolf)  and Avakian, that'll get 'em!  Oh yeah, and 
throw in some obscure dig about... hair transplants!!??!!
>>The truth is, either Co-Rim is now obviously financing them a 
consolation jaunt in Europe as a well deserved holiday for all their 
ridiculous exertions on behalf of the Fujimori regime against El Diario 
Internacional and Committee Sol Peru - among the many other 
revolutionary organisations and individuals they have managed to 
insult, libel, and alienate at the same time.>>>
     tr: yeah, that's it, it's another Fujimori/ Avakian plot against 
Com. S-P and EDI, etc. Yeah!
 >>>Or, most likely, they will never leave Queens, but just use this 
fantasy and imaginary "Congress" to spread more counter-revolutionary 
propaganda from the shadows.  In another of their histrionic events, 
they will just "claim to have had a Congress" (three cats and two rats). 
In any case no-one will hear of it in Europe since they will meet in a 
telephone booth down by a corner of Pigalle or in the back of a Secret 
Service van or CIA "safe" house. >>>
     tr: Shit! what if they really are having a conference?  And we 
haven't even set a date for the WMC Conference. Gawd, how do 
I make this look good?  
>>> You see, this is what I mean when I say that one must try to 
elucidate how people like this, obssessed as they are with delusions 
about being part of the PCP, (just like malecki believes himself a 
"leninist") can end up actually becoming class enemy agents when, 
even long after defeat is staring them directly in the face, they still 
persist in their criminal behaviour.>>>
     tr: Criminal behaviour! Yeah!  That's it! anything Quispe does is 
automatically criminal behaviour!  Enemy agents, yeah!  As long as 
I keep repeating it often enough someone's bound to believe it!
>>> These people are nothing but a cult of idealists who have 
wanted to live the fantasy that they are part of a far away revolution 
when in fact they have nothing in common with Maoism or with the 
reality of the struggle of the Peruvian people or any other people.  
Just like malecki's attitude vis-a-vis the heroic Turkish prisoners 
laying down their lives so that others may live.>>>
     tr: Yeah, call them a cult!  That always gets it, especially in the 
U.S., where everything that's not acceptable is called a cult.  And 
bring Malecki into it -- his comments on the Turkish hunger strikers 
were enough to offend just about anybody; now's the perfect time to 
link his name with Quispe!
>>> That, and the careerism of a couple of individuals, have landed 
them in a situation in which they have become agents of the 
Fujimori regime repeating and augmenting the very filth that the 
CIA itself has been regurgitating for years against the most 
consistent defenders of the PCP in Europe, and principally the 
most determined enemies of the "peace agreement plot".>>>  
     tr: Oh yeah, can't forget to throw in the plug for me and Arce, 
NEVER!!  Oh yeah, and I'm not the careerist, Quispe is!

>>> That is why it is right to label them as agents of Fujimori 
and the CIA, whether paid or unpaid.  Obviously, the jaunts to 
Europe, financed by Avakian, are a form of payment too, as far 
as I am concerned.>>>
     tr: Yeah, and throw in some allegation of finances -- he's 
been dogging me about my finances; yeah, imply that Quispe 
is paid by the CIA, or at least by Avakian!

>> It is political and ideological degeneration which leads into this 
type of behaviour.  That is why the Maoists of Canada, Action 
Socialiste, are absolutely right to speak of their "policekind 
attacks".  >>>
     tr: Yeah, and Action Socialiste, that's a good one, throw that 
in there too.  They have a lot of respect; they wrote a good article 
"The Red Flag is the PCP's".  The fact that they're endorsing the 
WMC, that's a real boost!  At least we know they're not just one 
or two guys keyboarding at their computers (don't we?)

>>> What we have experienced in this list has been something 
similar to the wrecking tactics adopted by the Trotskysts against 
Soviet Power when they lost the argument.  They degenerated 
into out and out wreckers, spies, secret service tools, saboteurs, 
etc.  The only thing that Cyberspace has contributed here is to 
make the process more evident, faster, and, principally recorded 
in the evidence (which Kevin may actually make much more 
accessible in the near future).>>>
     tr: Yeah, whip up the sentiment of the cyberspace freaks here!  
Make like this is real life and these disembodied ideas we pound 
out here by the kilobytes are what really makes a difference in the 
world, yeah!  Me vs. Quispe is like Lenin vs. Trotsky! Yeah!  That 
shithead Quispe opposing my WMC, that's like Trotsky trying to 
wreck SOVIET POWER!  YEAH!  Man, this is big shit!!! Man, I'M 
MPP shit... oops, better cool it, I don't want to get too carried away!
 >>>That is why is no accident that the same people, Rodwell, 
Malecki, etc. who still believe these kisspees to be some kind of 
"communists" are the same that speak of "Stalin delivering German 
Communists to the Gestapo".  Their optic is the optic of Trotskysm 
that turns villains into heroes, and ends up insulting the intelligence 
of every sane person - and driving even the Psychiatrists like 
Burford to despair, self defeat, self exposure, and frankly erratic 
behaviour when attempting to justify them and exert themselves 
in contorsions to attempt to entertain their arguments as serious
of consideration!    >>>
     tr: OK, yeah, link them up with Trotskyists, use every 
accusation about Stalin as a stepping stone to an accusation 
against "kispee".  Make like Quispe is the source of every negative 
thing that ever happens in these debates.

>>> The Trotskysts who were tried for their crimes in the Moscow 
Trials, unlike the kisspees in this list, at least had the decency to 
confess when they were caught red-handed by the communists.  
That much of humanity was left in them.  When people like Rodwell - 
with his Orwellian logic - actually question these confessions they 
are not doing the accussed any favours. In fact questioning the freely 
given words of people whom they proclaim as "real bolsheviks" is the 
secret of why the Trotskyst logic falls flat in its face everytime, and 
why Trotskysm as such cannot be a trend within the working class 
any more but as a subsidiary part of the aristocracy of labour, the 
British social-imperialist and Orwellian version of Soviet history.>>>
     tr: Yeah, rant and rave a bit against Trots, that'll set the right tone!
And even imply that those Trots were more "human" than this 
goddammm Quispe.
 >>>Long have the Trotskyst grappled to explain away this evident 
contradiction in their version of history.  They have alleged that the 
accussed in the Moscow trials were subjected to drugs, promises 
to let them off the death penalty, that they willing participated in a 
well rehearsed "staged managed play", etc.   Complete absurd things 
for any person that would know the concrete circunstances to believe 
possible.  That is why they even have attributed this  to "Stalin's 
hypnotic powers" and a lot of other metaphysical balderdash as well.>>>
     tr: yeah, and throw in the most far-out things Trots have said 
against Stalin, that'll even convince those who don't follow me on Stalin
 >>>However, they cannot envisage even a hint of accepting the 
obvious possibility and only "magic weapon" capable of effecting 
such a transformation:  Marxist criticism and self-criticism. >>>
     tr: Gotta throw in some easily recognized Marxist principle, too.  
I got it! Criticism and self-criticism!  Everybody's for that!  (Cheeze, 
I just hope no one ever expects ME to make a self-criticism!) 
 >>>Among other things Stalin won the ideological and political 
battle with Trotsky for very much the same reasons we have won 
ours with Quispe. Because that was what the proletarian masses 
wanted, to build socialism, Stalin and the bolsheviks - the Leninists - 
won that argument over those who thought it could not be build and 
wanted the concrete reality to fit into their theories, rather than the 
other way round. Today the supporters of the People's War in Peru 
want to advance, not to keep a bunch of bureacrats flying across 
the Atlantic.>>>
     tr: Hmmm..., and I should declare a victory over Quispe,very 
important.  Say the masses are on my side, not his, just like the 
masses were on Stalin's side about building socialism, not waiting...
how can I...Oh yeah, the masses want to advance, not fly a bunch 
of ... bureaucrats, yeah bureaucrats -- everyone hates bureaucrats!

>>> Because they want to proclaim the great courage, communist 
fervor, morale and integrity of the leader of the Communist Party to 
the four winds and will brooke no deal on this with those in anyway 
excusing, defending, protecting or otherwise abetting anyone of 
those who are engaged in smearing the leadership of Chairman 
     tr: Oh yeah, Can't forget to invoke Chmn. G; and put in some 
flourishing phrases and flowery words about communism and 
rejecting those slime who dare diss me...i mean... oh shit, how do 
I say it?  Oh yeah, who dare SMEAR the leadership of Ch. G!

>>> And they are perfectly right to do so!  That is why the World 
Mobilisation Commission embraces both Maoists - i.e. consistent 
Marxists and marxists Leninists of our days in both words and 
deeds, and Maoists in deeds - i.e those who are consistent Marxists, 
or Marxists-Leninists in words and in deeds, although they may not 
chose at present to declare themselves as Maoists, or may still 
have their reservations about it.  It finally also embraces, as friends 
and respected individuals, those who, whatever their other pre-judices 
against Marxism, accept that what we are waging is an honest 
struggle in defence not only of the objective truth and Marxist 
principle, but against people who have ended up as twisters and 
provocateursbecause of their ideological and political bankruptcy, 
their careerism, their opportunism.>>>
     tr: now, how do I say this...? I don't want to offend Rolf by just 
saying "Maoism" cuz he don't play that.  But I gotta keep up my 
own front, so I have to talk about Maoism, or someone'll notice... 
And, I definitely have to plug the WMC; gotta keep that on people's 
minds.  Yeah, and make the struggle between the WMC and its 
opponents be the quintessential fight of good vs. evil!  That's It. 
Yeah, now I'm ready to sign:
>>> Adolfo Olaechea >>>

Translation compliments of :
Picket captain, United Cow Milkers Local 580,
ON STRIKE against Adolfo's Dairy for unfair labour practices,
rumor mongering and mad cow disease!

     --- from list ---


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