File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-08-marxism/96-08-25.190, message 13

From: Maoist Internationalist Movement <>
Subject: Neil: Action is lumpen! MIM: Count us in!
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 10:28:17 -0400 (EDT)

>From owner-marxism  Fri Aug 23 00:12:09 1996
Date: 23 Aug 96 00:10:11 EDT
From: neil <>
Subject: Lumpen politics and MIM

dear friends,

Maoist  Internationalist Movement's (MIMs) attempt to shake down  Louis
Proyect and his social democratic CoC group for $20,000  is despicable but not

MIM replies to Neil: What's a matter Neil, afraid we'll
ask YOU to DO something next? Don't worry. You don't claim to
be anything and your line is obviously loudmouth excuses for

Proyect claims to belong to a superior organization known as 
the CoC and he claims to support the People's War in Peru.
Meanwhile, MIM is supposedly "marginalia." We are just asking
Proyect to prove it in action, not by the number of people he
signed up on a piece of paper.

He wants to call us a sect in the Amerikan pragmatist
sense of the word in which size is everything. But this 
"sect" gets more done than his CoC. That also has to do
with standards for individuals. MIM standards are a lot higher.

If supporting the People's War in Peru or the Philippines
is lumpen, then sign up MIM as lumpen. As for your insinuations
about our line on crime, it's pure disinformation. It's on the
level of commies-eat-children McCarthyism.

As soon as you actually say something about gender and rape Neil, we will
reply. However, if you thought this was the Dole/Kemp campaign
headquarters, though I can certainly understand your confusion, you got
the wrong e-mail address. 

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