File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-08-marxism/96-08-25.190, message 33

Date: 23 Aug 96 16:27:21 EDT
From: Jon Flanders <>
Subject: Surplus Value

 >> The so-called Third World accounts for about 20% of global product. 20% of
that is about 4% of global product. Do the relevant math and you find that
that transfer equals a bit over 5% of First World product, meaning that 95% of
First World product is internally generated. <<Doug H

 Jon Flanders:

  I have been following this MIM thread off and on.  Ten years ago or so, I
worked in a machine shop with among others a Puerto-Rican named Jose, and Sam,
a black West Indian.

 The wages were miserable. Sam made a little more than me, since he had been
there longer, and Jose less, since he started after me. I would say that we
all produced parts at roughly the same pace.

  Now did the surplus value-profit we produced for our employer, who happened
to look like a New Masses cartoon of a boss, vary based on our national
background? If so by how much?  Perhaps, since we were working in North
America we produced no value? If so, where did our boss get the money for his
Lincoln Continental? If it all came from the third world, where did he get the
money to start his investments there?

  I am also curious about the industrial experience of our friends from MIM.

  E-mail from: Jonathan E. Flanders, 23-Aug-1996

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