File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-08-marxism/96-08-25.190, message 38

From: Michael Hoover <>
Subject: Re: Cuba & democracy (for some: Democracy, in caps and letters of gold)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 96 18:36:00 18000

> Why in all the postings on Cuba so far has everyone abstracted from the
> fact that the leadership of the revolution was a military leadership?

I tried to suggest - perhaps without clarity - in an earlier post on
this subject that the coming to power of revolutionary guerrillas
presents particular problems.  There is a willingness to replicate
the military organization and decisionmaking process that successfully
prosecuted the insurrection.  Military structures/symbols are hard
to give up because they represent victory, fortitude, and resolve.
Hence, the leadership's proclivity for fatigues and its appropriation
of certain titles - commandante, for example.  Conditions in the
periphery have tempted vanguards to view themselves as the only
legitimate revolutionary agents - developing, in effect, false

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