File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-08-marxism/96-08-25.190, message 39

Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 00:41:07 +0100
From: (Hugh Rodwell)
Subject: QED, was: Let's dump smelly Proyect into a landfill.

I wrote:

>> With 'Marxists' like Louis P, who needs the bourgeois media to tell us what
>> a rotten, useless lot we are?!

and Louis P immediately obliged us with proof of my contention:

>Louis: Am I a 'Marxist', Hugh? It's a pity would were never as gutsy as
>Jim Miller who took me on when it came to Nicaragua. You are a superficial
>windbag and afraid of a genuine debate. I just finished a long post on
>Cuba. You kept your fat mouth shut the whole time. I have posted on the
>idiocy of "vanguardism". You kept mum. What a coward. Real Bolsheviks
>loved debate. Its too bad that now that this forum is winding down, I
>didn't get a chance to give you the spanking you deserved.

This isn't even playground stuff. It's *sandpit* tantrums.

Just like everyone else on the list, I choose what I write about, who I
discuss with, and when. Your nursery taunts are just as pathetic and futile
as Adolfo's when you try to bluster your way to hogging the agenda.

The forum isn't winding down, Louis. Far from it. There's a long-term,
slowly developing and very important discussion going on about independent
class politics, democracy and socialist representation around the question
of the Democrats, the US Labor Party and the British Labour Party, that has
got a real lift recently from new British subscribers. The validity of a
Maoist/Stalinist strategic line for semi-colonial countries is constantly
under our noses. Rakesh is building up a fine head of steam on crucial
issues in Marxist economic theory, and he's not alone. Our Aussie comrades
gave us both lightning and enlightening coverage of the Canberra events,
just as Zeynep (and the DHKC) did with the hunger-strikes in Turkey. You
must have read that many governments including our own benighted boneheads
get their cutting edge news these days from CNN rather than their own
agents or embassies. Well, we've got the pictures from CNN *plus*
commentators a thousand times better than theirs. And this isn't the half
of it.

No, no, Louis. The *forum* isn't winding down -- *you* are.



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