File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-08-marxism/96-08-25.190, message 80

Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 13:10:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Louis N Proyect <>
Subject: Re: Rum do's in the beast's back yard

On Sat, 24 Aug 1996, Hugh Rodwell wrote:

> This in fact summarizes the generally accepted view on Cuba's economic
> situation at the time. Find an authority who disagrees, and tell us about
> it. Then tell us why Fidel contradicts your authority in his confession of
> economic chaos and failure on 26 July 1970.

Louis: Well, Hugh, its like this. I'm not sure if you were in hospital or
stuck in a lift or pram somewhere, but I just put together a carefully
researched 5000 word article on Cuba for the list. So when you say things
like "generally accepted view", please excuse me if I don't laugh in your
face. The Cliffites cited K.S. Carol as an expert, so who do the
Morenoites have in mind? Dan Rather? Have you ever read a single book on
Cuba from cover to cover? 

> Why should I write like Trotsky? What I'm doing here is providing a summary
> of not very controversial positions on the Cuban situation in a drastic and
> humorous style, with a touch of Australian gusto.

Louis: "Not very controverial"? Don't you realize that the view that
Castro is a Stalinist belongs to the netherworld of Trotskyite cult-sects
like the one you belong to. Where do you think you are? Party
headquarters? Of course, judging by the size of the Morenoite current
internationally, this is probably a closet you rent somewhere in a
low-rent dive.

> A paragraph from the Cambridge History of Latin America (Cuban bits
> compiled in Cuba: A short history):

Louis: Oh, the Cambridge History of Latin America. How impressive. Now I
understand why you come across as such a simpleton. You base your ideas on
bourgeois social science. Where did you get your ideas on Nicaragua? The
Encyclopedia Brittainica?

> from the revolution) -- if Louis thinks otherwise, let him substantiate his
> point.

Louis: Do you have any good almanacs, encyclopedias or bourgeois history
books to recommend?

> revolutionary upsurge under way. One major event I left out that was still
> reverberating everywhere was the Cultural Revolution, providing a massive
> impulse to voluntarist thinking throughout the world.

Louis: Oh, I see. The Cultural Revolution influenced Cuba's economic
policies. Brilliant. Is this Morenoite nonsense or did you dream that up

The problem with everything Rodwell writes about places like Nicaragua,
Cuba or South Africa is that they are just hot air opinions which are
hardly worth the people's bandwidth. I would take the time to present a
thorough analysis of the Escalante affair and Castro's speech defining his
support to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, but it would be a waste
of time. You could offer nothing in return but braggadocio. When I said
"write like Trotsky", Hugh, I meant provide solidly researched Marxist
analysis, not quote from a Cambridge history book. Do you cite this
because this is where you went to school, you petty-bourgeois twit.

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