File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-08-marxism/96-08-25.190, message 87

Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 11:35:45 +1000 (EST)
From: Gary MacLennan <>
Subject: Re: Phenomenon

At 09:18 AM 8/23/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Gary,
>	I'm not trying to trash your thoughtful analysis but I heard a
>much different version of what Phenomenon is about.  Travolta is heavy
>into Scientology and the movie is purportedly a fictional representation of
>Scientology beliefs.  
>	Maybe I shouldn't say because I haven't seen it yet but from the
>previews I've seen it does look like cryptic, Scientology propaganda.
>				-- Jeff Booth
Interesting, Jeff.  I never thought of the Scientology connection.  I would
not be at all surprised if that was not a legitimate  angle on the film.
Problem is that I know zip about Scientology and I will die knowing zip
about  Scientology. No matter how long I live.  Still have another read of
my comments.  I think they do have some credibility.  Phenomenon may be a
bit further out than some, but I think there is a genre of "The god that
dare not speak its name" type films and they are specifically designed to
provide fantasy solutions for the crises that we are in.  Scientology being
a religion presumably does the same.

No real conflict between our positions.



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