File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-08-marxism/96-08-25.190, message 89

Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 23:16:32 -0700
From: cwellen <>
Subject: Trotskyism, Leninism, Maoism--AN END TO ALL -ISMS !

Greetings to all comrades from Wei En Lin.

Let us put an end to all bickering which
is based on immersion in various -isms.

Louis Proyect has stated:

<< "We need a movement where every
idea can be examined on its own 
merit. We are in a peculiar position
on this list when we realize that 
there are separate discussion rules
for some members. Trotskyist 
comrades wait until their pre-convention
period in order to put 
forward whatever ideas they have
that differ from their party's. In 
between conventions, they defend 
these ideas in public such as they do 
on this list. This naturally prevents
us from having a genuine 

"This is not how the Bolshevik party 
functioned. This mode of 
functioning, characteristic of
all Trotskyist parties, has to be destroyed 
in order for us to grow as a 
Marxist current in the working-class." >>

I agree that each idea should be judged
on its merits.  But let us not impose
another "-ism", ie Bolshevism, over our
ability to think clearly.  Bolshevism
(even if we could clearly define it)
is neither a dirty word, nor a pure
concept.  The Bolshevik movement was 
very different during the period
1917-1918, from what it was during
the period 1919-1922.  And again, Bolshevism
was different during the period '19 -'22
fromn what it was up until 1928.  One could
say the word Bolshevism meant completely
different things during those periods.
A thorough study of those differences
would benefit us all.  But let us bear
in mind the fact that few people use the word
"Bolshevik" to describe themselves today, and 
for a very good reason.

My favorite quote by the founder of modern
scientific socialism, Karl Marx is


a response he gave to someone trying
to pidgeonhole him.

If Marx was free from 
doctrinaire thinking, should we not
strive to be?  Marx's reversal on the
question of the Paris Commune, and his will-
ingness to admit his initial condemnation
of it was a mistake, should all give us 
pause.  Let truth and humility always triumph
over dogmatism!


Wei En Lin


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