File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 113

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 13:20:32 +0200
Subject: Rahul's polemics

Rahul, in his usual calm, reasoned fashion - M2-style? - writes:

>Hugh, do you ever have anything besides Trotskyist orthodoxy and
>philosophical maundering to back up anything you say? If you can't see that
>the formerly "communist" states are quickly going over to neocolonial
>status, you must be blind.

a) Your reasons for dismissing Trotskyist orthodoxy?

b) Have you got a position on Trotsky's relation to Marxism?

c) Be specific about philosophical maundering! My 'maundering', your
'incisive clarity', right?

d) "Formerly 'communist' states" is a trivial characterization. How do you
characterize the ex-SU and its bloc, China, N Korea, Cuba, Vietnam
politically, socially and economically?

e) Again, be specific when you bandy about phrases like 'neocolonial
status'. I mean in terms of regime, economic setup (ownership/management),
diplomacy. Do you see a distinction between 'neocolonial' and

f) That 'quickly' of yours deserves to be developed. Quickly in relation to
what. Are some bits going quicker than others? If so, why? Are some bits
hardly moving at all? Why not?

g) You obviously read the papers and watch TV, as the phrasing of your
statement about 'formerly "communist" states ... quickly going over to
status' indicates. Believe it or not, I do too. My interpretation of what
the media reports on obviously isn't the same as yours. Maybe this makes me
'blind' in your eyes.

h) My conclusion is that you are extremely (in fact, dogmatically)
sceptical about the basic principles of Marx's analysis of capitalist
society and its development, while at the same time not the least bit
sceptical towards the analysis of the same phenomena presented by bourgeois
public opinion (in its 'serious' guise).

We don't stand on the same ground. This will become clearer in relation to
things like the value debate as it continues. You call me blind and don't
seem to see what I'm getting at. I don't call you blind and I can see what
you're getting at. I think you're calling Marx blind, too - it's his ideas
I'm using in my discussions. We'll see how much of Marx's legacy you're
willing to acknowledge as yours.



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