File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 117

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 08:30:53 -0600
Subject: Re: separate M1 and M2


>We don't care whether Marxism1 is a deformed
>Marxist list, or a bureaucratic collectivist list, or a state capitalist

Brought a smile to my face.

>3. If this list is to have a minimally democratic culture, some elementary
>balance must be established between individual and minority rights, on the
>one hand, and the common good and majority rule, on the other hand. Marxism1
>devolved into a constant screaming match because there were no -- aboslutely
>no -- restraints on what an individual could do, regardless of how
>deliberately and intentionally destructive it was for the list.

I know Jerry doesn't want us to speak of the dead, either good or ill, but
you might be amused to know the latest. Some idiot decided to deter
Olaechea et al by "mail-bombing" the list, thus forcing everyone subscribed
to the list to download an extra 20 messages. Couple this with Ostrakava's
frequent exhortations to the faithful of the Shining Path to "take care" of
Olaechea and Quispe because they're supposedly "traitors" and Veronica's
(newbie) telling Scott McLemee how his use of scatology makes her all wet
("It sounds so good coming from a man" or words to that effect) and
suddenly the Pathology are beginning to appear as the apostles of reason.
M1 has truly entered the Twilight Zone. Don't worry, I won't make this a


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