Date: Fri, 05 Apr 96 09:26:45 EST Subject: Re: Who won in Vietnam? On Fri, 5 Apr 1996 04:37:47 -0600 Rahul Mahajan said: >[Trotsky's] >first break with Stalin over policy was that he wanted to murder the kulaks >and force collectivization at a time when Stalin was still following a >policy of appeasing the right. Later, Stalin did exactly what Trotsky had >suggested, which resulted in a bloodbath and the persistent failure of >Soviet agriculture to develop in any reasonable way. Rahul, It's often been said that Stalin stole Trotsky's *industrial* policy (with or without distortions). But I haven't before seen it claimed that Stalin's agricultural policy -- forced collectivization -- came from Trotsky. My recollection is that the Left Opposition in the late 20's (the period I assume you have in mind) stood for agricultural cooperatives and *promoting* collectivization. What leads you to think otherwise? Walter Daum --- from list ---
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