File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 130

Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 10:15:42 -0600
Subject:  The cross-posting bit -Reply

Here I quote another Spooner's comments, which I agree with.
I think the list wants this to be the end of this "thread".  Any more
objections to _not_ cross-posting are simply useless, and are
basically harrassment of this list.  This topic can now be dropped.

This list exists for people to talk about something other than
_lists_ and listbiz, so please just get on with it.


>>> 4/5/96, 10:36am >>>
There _is_ a difference between cross-posting and sending the same
post separately to both lists, because with a cross-posted post all
the auto-replies also become cross-posted -- so one automatically
brings in a whole thread rather than just one message.  

     --- from list ---


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