File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 131

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 19:18:54 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Lisa: the Czar's Censor?

>> >	In other words, the present rate of censorship is insufficient.
>>  Here, Here, I agree with the above..It appears then some people see through 
>> the smokescreen...
>> malecki
>* Have your posts been censored?
>* Have anyone's posts been censored?
>This talk is censorship is stupid and displays an astonishing ignorance 
>of what it means to censor someone else's writings.
>No reply to this post is expected or desired.
>Warm regards,

Well, from the beginning of the this discussion, or at least as long as i 
have been around, the creation of the M2 list was a bureaucratic move by 
certain people on the list in order to avoid some of the discussions on M1.

Also from the beginning i have clearly stated my position. For a open and 
democratic discuusion on all issues.

No i have not been excluded from any list including M2. However, I have not 
seen certain peopl on the new list. Is it that they freely have elected not 
to participate or
is it some people are denied access?

Lisa,s latest intervention in this discussion raises the question of what 
are the goals of those responsible for the new list. I agree with Hugh and 
his response. 

Hopefully this is not an attempt to purge people or to create a special list 
for certain elected individuals. My advice is not to lock yourselfs in a 
closest. In fact exactly the opposite to take part in all the discussions to 
the best of ones abilities in order that these serious issues facing the 
workers movement can find a way forward.

Warm Regards 

PS. Leo,s letter is also another attempt to justify putting M2 on a pedistal 
of some sort. Also i note the degree of irritation against Hugh, who has 
made a clear principled statement on this issue. If anybody is twisting and 
turning on this question it is the people responsible for coup arted 
creation of M2.

Warm Regards

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