File spoon-archives/marxism2.archive/marxism2_1996/96-04-08.195, message 137

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 19:49:36 +0200
Subject: Re: separate M1 and M2 -Reply

Lisa gets quite worked up on m2:

>The insistence upon rehashing old crap is a form of harrassment, IMO.
>"Cross-fertilization" is _not_ essential.  What Hugh _seems_ to care
>about is what he's posting about, which is REHASH of old crap.  This
>list was not created for that.  It was also not created for pains in
>the ass, or discussion of the definition thereof.  Don't we know it
>when we see one?  Speaking of which, is Hugh a "material social
>force" ?  Does it matter?
>If I could have a couple of seconds on this motion, or something like
>that, should we zap people who engage in such *anti-discussion* and
>get it over with, or what?
>Do we have to have lengthy hearings, or shall I serve the "will of
>the list" without any fanfare?  Which way will I get shot at more?
>Any volunteers for this "job"?
>[No, I'm not really bailing out.]
>The list really doesn't want any more stuff like this post either,
>I'm betting.  So give me the go-ahead or . . . we're stuck with this
>shit in the name of "democracy" ???

Excuse me for asking, but wasn't there a day allowed for comment? On the
character of m2?

I'm commenting.

Lisa, is your posting to be taken as a warning, BEFORE any rules have been
made public? Or is the policy to be 'zap first, talk later', All-American

I don't think I'm engaging in anti-discussion at all. But then, I haven't
got a zap gun, have I?

Is *all* discussion of the conduct of discussion to be blackballed, or only

And what is this 'REHASH of old crap' I'm being accused of?

I don't think our perception of pains-in-the-arse is quite the same. That's
why I asked for a definition. After all, it's being bandied about here in
relation to potential exclusion.

Perhaps we need a comment or two from Justin S on due process?

Anyway, I've asked  a number of serious questions and I'd like some
answers, not just some dismissive gesture sweeping away one or two of my
points and ignoring the rest.

Or perhaps this comment period for the discussion of the character of m2
was not seriously intended as such? Only acceptable comments accepted?
Fine. In that case, tell me what's acceptable - or is this something else
that everybody is expected to know in advance - some kind of prediscursive

Leo's 'culture' sounds just like this, too - a preconstructed category.

For an open, democratic, principled discussion of Marxism!



        "Don't be afraid to ask about it, comrade.
        Don't let them talk you into anything
        - See for yourself!
        If you don't know it yourself
        - You just don't know it.  ...
        Check the bill
        - You'll be paying it.
        Put your finger on every item
        - Ask: How did that get here?"

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